Upcoming Events and Dates:
- May 6, 2020: Building a Better Budget: This is the budgeting master class, no matter where you are in your financial journey your budget will always hold you down. If you've never made a budget before, if you have one and hate it, if you have one that's working, whatever the case may be you will learn how to take it to the next level.
- May 13, 2020: Apps and Automation: Learn how to make technology work for you and your money. What apps can help you manage your finances and achieve your goals. Along with some smart tech tips to keep you and your information safe.
- May 20, 2020: College Funding: It's never too late to get an education and its never to late to start funding an education. Unfortunately the costs are rising and with no central place to get reliable information it is hard to navigate the process. I will be connecting you with trusted resources and giving you a rundown down on some things you can expect when applying to, selecting, and even beginning your college career.
- May 27, 2020: Blueprint for Financial Success: We will talk about assessing your money mindset and redeveloping it into the proper mindset for financial independence. In addition to mindset transformation, this workshop covers five core competencies of financial literacy: Income, Budgeting, Saving, Borrowing, Protecting
Past Events:
April 22, 2020 : Money Talks- How to talk to your kids about money and what smart habits are crucial for them to learn early on to have a successful financially stable future.
April 8, 2020 : Risk Management, Insurance and You- We will be answering all of the following questions, and I’ll come up with a resource sheet for folks that will summarize some of the important information. What is risk management?What are the risks?What is insurance? What do I need insurance for? What can insurance do for me?
March 31, 2020: Money Talks: How to Talk to Your Kids About Money and What Smart Habits are Crucial for them to learn early on how to have a financially stable future
March 17, 2020: What is My Money Story?: Everyone is different, but we are more alike than we like to believe. Most people work or have some source of income and pay some sort of regular bills. If you fall into this category, you might have a money story, have some sort of net worth and debt to income ratio and have some time of savings plan (or maybe you need to build one!) In this session, we will go over how to put together your money story and get started writing a more successful chapter to your money story.
March 3, 2020: Risk Management, Insurance and You: We will be answering all of the following questions: What is risk management? What is insurance, and why do you need it? What can insurance do for you? You will also receive a resource sheet that summarizes all of the information covered in this webinar.
February 18, 2020 - Financial Literacy: Assessing Your Mindset on Money with Danielle Tucker - In this workshop, Danielle talks about assessing your money mindset and redeveloping it into the proper mindset for financial independence. In addition to mindset transformation, this workshop covers five core competencies of financial literacy: Income, Budgeting, Saving, Borrowing, Protecting
February 4, 2020 - Women and Finance: In this workshop, Danielle presents information and answers questions to help her audience understand their current financial situation and future financial needs, while helping them to make informed financial decisions moving forward.
Learn more about Danielle Tucker, and work with her to start planning your financial future and reach your goals today.