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5 Innovative Boozy Summer Drinks to Try in NYC!

5 Innovative Boozy Summer Drinks to Try in NYC!

May 28, 2017 Tara Geigel

With the summer around the corner, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the NYC vibes with a tasty drink in hand. While ordering a simple drink is fine, you may want to try something unique and new. Like maybe a drink in a light bulb to channel your inner hipster? Or maybe a Popsicle infused with wine? We all know NYC has amazing bars so here are 5 that offer unique cocktails to bring in the summer time vibes:With the summer around the corner, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the NYC vibes with a tasty drink in hand. While ordering a simple drink is fine, you may want to try something unique and new. Like maybe a drink in a light bulb to channel your inner hipster? Or maybe a Popsicle infused with wine? We all know NYC has amazing bars so here are 5 that offer unique cocktails to bring in the summer time vibes:

Loopy Doopy Rooftop Bar

Loopy Doopy Rooftop Bar NYC

This bar, located in the Conrad New York Hotel, offers a delicious cocktail that is all over social media. The Popsicle drinks are all the rage here! For a steep $25, you could order different flavors like the strawberry rose gin, pear ginger crush, and several others. You could enjoy your yummy drink and enjoy the amazing view that the city has to offer. Check them out here

Roof at Park South

Roof at Park South Bar NYC

A fun rooftop bar in the Flatiron district, make sure to try the summery drinks like a mai tai to cool off. The drinks can go for $15, which is typical in the city. This place is highly recommended for after work drinks in the summer. For more info you may visit their homepage here

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl Bar NYC

If you want to cool off with a sugary drink, then this place is for you! This East Village haunt offers delicious cocktails like taste the rainbow (which tastes like skittles), shark eye (served in a shark glass and topped with cherry grenadine to look like blood), and more! Check out Mother of Pearl here


Leyenda Bar NYC

Head over to Brooklyn for amazing summer drinks! The drinks are decorated with flowers and taste incredible! You could also nosh on delicious Mexican food. Make sure to try the Headless Horeseman drink, which is a slushy served in a skull glass and a flaming hairdo! For more info on this awesome spot click here

Slowly Shirley

Slowly Shirley Bar NYC

Want a bar with an old school vibe and amazing drinks? This bar has it all! The drinks are incredible and will help you cool off in the summer heat! The Cleopatra drink is popular for its pretty presentation so make sure to try it! For more on this spot click here

If you liked out this article you might want to check this out: Immerse Yourself Into a Different World With 7 Themed Bars in NYC.

Did we miss any of the best drinks for this summer? If so, leave us a comment below. To get the latest on the nightlife scene in NYC stick with us here at EventCombo

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