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Immerse Yourself Into a Different World With 7 Themed Bars in NYC

Immerse Yourself Into a Different World With 7 Themed Bars in NYC

May 19, 2017 Tara Geigel

Whether you’re a Doctor Who fan or an outdoorsy person, you’re bound to find the perfect theme bar for you! It’s so easy to just head into a sports bar or an Irish pub and call it a day. But how about going to a bar that transports you into a different atmosphere? NYC has so much to offer in its nightlife scene that it can be overwhelming to pick a bar to go to. Take the time and check out these awesome 7 theme bars in NYC:Whether you’re a Doctor Who fan or an outdoorsy person, you’re bound to find the perfect theme bar for you! It’s so easy to just head into a sports bar or an Irish pub and call it a day. But how about going to a bar that transports you into a different atmosphere? NYC has so much to offer in its nightlife scene that it can be overwhelming to pick a bar to go to. Take the time and check out these awesome 7 theme bars in NYC:

The Way Station

The Way Station Bar NYC

I’m the biggest Doctor Who fan around so I freaked out when I heard there was a bar that was dedicated to the show. Located in Prospect Heights, I rushed over there the minute I knew about it and totally had a fan-girl moment. The first thing I did was take a selfie in front of the restroom which basically resembles The Tardis (for those not in the know, it’s what the Doctor travels in).  The bar offers amazing drinks created after the doctors of the show and even screens old episodes of the show. Whether you’re a fan or not, I would definitely make an appearance here!

Reunion Surf Bar

Reunion Bar NYC

This Midtown favorite of mine is perfect for you beach lovers! The laid-back vibes, delicious drinks, and chill atmosphere will make you feel like you’re at a beachside bar. The surfboards along the wall give this bar a California surfer feel. Come in on Taco Tuesdays and check out the amazing happy hour specials. Try delicious cocktails like mermaid cocktail (frozen mojito), surfer girl (screwdriver with orange soda), and even an acid drop (a grapefruit vodka shot). Check them out here!

Camp Bar

Camp Bar NYC

Have you ever been to bar and had the chance to make smores? Well, Camp in Cobble Hill will make you feel as though you walked into a log cabin. This cozy bar has a fireplace, kayaks strung along the wall, and everything that a campground would have. The smores platter goes for $16 and includes two handfuls of marshmallows, two Hershey’s chocolate bars, and a package of graham crackers for you and your friends to enjoy. Try the theme cocktails like the camp martini and girl scout martini, which are favorites. If you’re looking for a bar with friendly vibes and a cozy atmosphere, come here soon! You can cehck them out here



This Soviet-era bar located in the East Village is definitely an interesting pick. A three-story walk-up, the bar is located on the third floor known as the Red Room. You’re immediately immersed in a red hue and dim lighting. This bar is also known for literary events such as poetry readings to keep you entertained. If you’re looking for a dive bar with cool décor, make sure to check this spot out. Check this place out here

Zombie Hut

Zombie Hut Bar NYC

If you want to check out a tiki-themed bar that’s unlike the other kitschy ones, this spot is the one. With an outdoor space perfect for the summer, kick back with strong drinks and enjoy activities like board games. Try awesome drinks like the zombie cocktail or the scorpion bowl that’s big enough to share with four people. This bar provides amazing service, drinks, and atmosphere so make sure to check this spot out in Brooklyn!

Beetle House

Beetle House Bar NYC

If you’re a Tim Burton fan, you have to come here! This cash-only bar/restaurant has a creative list of cocktails that are based on a variety of Tim Burton films. Take pictures with a figure of Edward Scissorhands and other themed décor around the place. The food and drinks are delicious and be prepared to either make reservations or come early, as seating is limited. Check this bar out here

Burp Castle

Burp Castle Bar NYC

How about going to a bar to get away from the noise of NYC? Burp Castle is a monk-themed bar that maintains a level of silence and even shushes you if you and your group get too loud. This bar is perfect for introverts and for anyone who is looking to get away from the loud noises in other bars. They have an extensive beer selection and you can even taste test a few to find the one you like. If you want to have a different experience, check out this bar! Want to learn more about Burp Castle? Then click here!

EventCombo makes sure that you are up to date on the coolest bars in town!

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