In response to our cancer patient and survivor client needs, amid the COVID-19 crisis, Cancer Kinship has gone virtual!
Cancer Kinship relies on volunteers to move our mission forward. If you are interested in supporting Cancer Kinship through your volunteer service, you are invited to attend our Volunteer Meet & Greet. Offered weekly on Friday's at 1PM, you are welcome to join and learn about Cancer Kinship's mission, vision and purpose and explore how you can get involved.
Not sure if you are ready to become a volunteer? No problem! Connect with a Cancer Kinship team member to explore and to learn more about our programs. To learn more and to contact us, please visit our website at
These weekly volunteer events are open to adult volunteers, 18 or older. A video conference link will be provided upon registration. We can't wait to connect with you!
Disclosures and Consent: By submitting this registration, you agree to release and hold Cancer Kinship, its officers and directors, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any cause or action claim or suit arising therewith. You hereby attest that your participation in such activities are voluntary. A Cancer Kinship staff member will contact you if you are not a current volunteer nd will provide you with an onboarding e-packet that contains our volunteer forms are required prior to your volunteer service.
Limited Right to Use Non-Identifying & Identifying Personal Information: Cancer Kinship reserves the right to use non-identifying information about our clients for fundraising and promotional purposes that are directly related to our mission. Furthermore, photographs, video and quotations from clients during their involvement with our programs can be used to further promote its programs.
Participants may specifically request that no information be used whatsoever for promotional purposes, but requested restrictions must be submitted in writing. We respect your right to privacy and assure you no identifying information, photos or videos will ever be publicly used without your consent.
Confidentiality: Personal information shared by clients during program participation will be held in strictest confidence and we ask that all participants adhere to Cancer Kinship's confidentiality agreement.
Questions? Please contact Cancer Kinship at or at 714-592-1625.