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Virtual event with Trisha Yearwood/Trisha's Kitchen

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Virtual event with Trisha Yearwood/Trisha's Kitchen
Join Anderson's Bookshops for a virtual lunchtime event with award-winning country music star, actress, chef, and New York Times bestselling author, Trisha Yearwood to celebrate the release of her new cookbook, Trisha's Kitchen!

Cooking is about love, and for Trisha that means sharing a meal with family and friends and talking about our lives. She will demo a recipe from the book, share stories and answer your questions. Hope you’ll join Trisha and her special guest for an afternoon of great conversation, good food, and fun!

The first 20 tickets purchased will receive a personalized signed book!  We will reach out to you for that name closer to the event.

Please note that we can only ship to US addresses!  Please choose the ticket that includes shipping if you would like your book mailed to you.

More about the book:

Trisha Yearwood’s fans know that she can cook up a comforting, delicious meal that will feed a family!  Like her earlier bestsellers, Trisha’s Kitchen will include new family favorites and easy-to-make comfort foods, with stories about her family and what’s really important in life.
The 125 recipes include dishes her beloved mother used to make, plus new recipes like Pasta Pizza Snack Mix and Garth's Teriyaki Bowl. Every recipe tells a story, whether it's her grandma's Million Dollar Cupcakes, or her Camo Cake that she made for her nephew's birthday.
As Trisha says: "I love to cook now more than I ever have, because for me, cooking is about love. It's sharing a meal with family and friends and talking about our lives. It's working out thoughts in my head about what I need to conquer or accomplish while I'm working on a homemade pastry crust. Sometimes the feel of cold butter in my hands working through the flour just makes me see things more clearly."

About the author:

Trisha Yearwood’s spirit shines just as brightly in her cooking as it does in her music. Between receiving numerous GRAMMY®, CMA® and ACM® Awards as a country star, the singer, actress, author, chef, and entrepreneur has delivered three New York Times Bestselling cookbooks. Her hit FoodNetwork series Trisha’s Southern Kitchen garnered an EMMY® Award in the category of “Outstanding Culinary Show.” Now, she unveils what might be her most personal cookbook yet, Trisha’s Kitchen: Easy Comfort Food for Friends and Family, collecting 125 comfort food recipes peppered with family stories and photos.


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Anderson's Bookshop

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