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Virtual Event with Trisha Prahbu/Rethink the Internet

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Virtual Event with Trisha Prahbu/Rethink the Internet
Anderson's Bookshops, R.J. Julia Booksellers, and Books & Books are thrilled to bring you a virtual conversation between author and founder of ReThink™ Trisha Prabhu and anti-bullying advocate Monica Lewinsky to discuss the impact of cyber-bullying during National Bullying Prevention Month on Monday, October 24th at 6pm CT via Zoom. A portion of ticket sales will be donated to The Tyler Clementi Foundation, a national anti-bullying organization.

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Stop hate. Promote Kindness. Be an Upstander.
ReThink the Internet.

Do you have to ask someone’s permission before posting their photo?
How can you tell if something on the internet is true?
What should you do if you see someone bullying a friend online (or #IRL)?

In a series of fun stories, innovator, inventor, social entrepreneur, and upstanding digital citizen Trisha Prabhu goes through the hows, the whats, and the whys of digital citizenship, showing readers how to lead with kindness and stop internet hate.

For people who are just getting their first phone to others who have been scrolling, swiping, clicking and posting for years, this book makes us all consider what our role is in the digital world and how, together, we can make it a force for good.

About the Author

Trisha Prabhu is a twenty-year-old innovator, social entrepreneur, global advocate, and inventor of ReThink™, a patented technology and an effective way to detect and stop online hate. As a victim of cyberbullying herself, Trisha was shocked, heartbroken, and outraged. Deeply moved to action by the silent pandemic of cyberbullying and passionate to end online hate, Trisha created the patented technology product ReThink™, which detects and stops online hate at the source, before the bullying occurs, before the damage is done. Her globally acclaimed research has found that with ReThink™, adolescents change their mind 93 percent of the time and decide not to post an offensive message.

As a CEO and social entrepreneur, Trisha has received worldwide acclaim in the business world. In 2016, President Obama and the U.S. State Department invited Trisha to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, to showcase her work and share her story with other entrepreneurs. Not long after, ReThink™ was featured on ABC's hit TV show, Shark Tank. In 2019, ReThink™ was the winner of Harvard University's President's Global Innovation Challenge & Harvard College's i3 Innovation Challenge. Trisha is the first ever Harvard College freshman to win the Harvard University's President Innovation Grand Prize.

Trisha has also been honored with awards and recognition for her ingenuity in inventing, building, and launching ReThink™. For her research and scientific inquiry, Trisha was named a 2014 Google Science Fair Global Finalist. She was awarded the 2016 MIT INSPIRE Aristotle Award, as well as the 2016 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois High School Innovator Award. She has the esteemed distinction of showcasing and sharing her ReThink™ technology at the White House Science Fair at the invitation of President Obama.

For her advocacy, public service, and commitment to leading an anti-cyberbullying movement, Trisha was selected as a 2015 Global Teen Leader by the We Are Family Foundation, conferred the 2016 WebMD Health Hero of the Year Prodigy Award, and received the Anti-Bullying Champion Award by the International Princess Diana Awards, the Global Anti-Bullying Hero Award from Auburn University, and the Upstander Legacy Celebration Award from the Tyler Clementi Foundation. She is also a proud recipient of several other awards, including the Daily Points of Light Honor, awarded by the George H. W. Bush Foundation for extraordinary social volunteering and service.

Monica Lewinsky (conversation partner): Monica Lewinsky is a producer, social activist, global public speaker and contributing editor at Vanity Fair. Her focus is on storytelling that moves the conversation forward – around shame, reclaiming identities and justice for women. In 2014, Lewinsky authored an essay nominated for a National Magazine Award titled “Shame and Survival” for Vanity Fair in which she re-examined her personal experiences at the center of a political, legal and media maelstrom in 1998, and challenged the oftenmisogynistic culture of shame that continues to cannibalize the powerless. Lewinsky was a speaker at the 2015 TED Conference in Vancouver; her speech, “The Price of Shame,” has been viewed over 20 million times. She has also spoken at the Forbes “30 Under 30 Summit” and delivered the Ogilvy + Inspire Lecture at the prestigious Cannes Lions Festival. Lewinsky is an executive producer on the documentary 15 Minutes of Shame for HBO Max and producer of FX’s Impeachment: American Crime Story. Her company, Alt Ending Productions, recently announced a first look production deal with 20th Television. In 2017, for National Bullying Prevention Month, she created the #ClickWithCompassion campaign and released an award-winning public service announcement in collaboration with the advertising firm BBDO New York. "In Real Life," which asked people to rethink their online behavior in an offline social experiment, received an Emmy® nomination for Outstanding Commercial. Lewinsky and BBDO collaborated again in 2018 on the #DefyTheName campaign, which urged people to reclaim the names used to bully them and take away the power of name-calling. That campaign won numerous industry awards as well as a Webby for social activism. Lewinsky’s third public service announcement collaboration in 2019, “The Epidemic,” was the first interactive, multimedia public service announcement that puts the viewer in the shoes of someone being bullied; that campaign took home numerous awards including the Association of Independent Commercial Producers’ Best Spot of the Year and two Cannes Lions. As an activist, Lewinsky advocates for a safer social media environment and addresses such topics as digital resilience, privacy and cultivating compassion online. She is a founding board member of the Resilience Foundation, on the advisory board of PROJECT ROCKIT, Australia’s premiere anti-bully organization and is an ambassador for The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Programme in the U.K. Lewinsky holds a Master’s degree in social psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Science. That said, her favorite title is Auntie Monka. 


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