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Virtual Event with Daniel James Brown/Facing the Mountain

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Virtual Event with Daniel James Brown/Facing the Mountain
Join Anderson's Bookshops, in partnership with fellow independent bookstores across the country, for a virtual event with bestselling author Daniel James Brown to celebrate the paperback release of Facing the Mountain on Friday May 20 at 7pm CT. Daniel James Brown will be in conversation with Tom Ikeda, former executive director of Densho and writer of the introduction to this edition of Facing the Mountain.

Book tickets include a copy of the book.

Please note that we can only ship to US addresses!  Please choose the ticket that includes shipping if you would like your book mailed to you.

More about the book:

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Boys in the Boat, a gripping World War II saga of patriotism and resistance, focusing on four Japanese American men and their families, and the contributions and sacrifices that they made for the sake of the nation.

In the days and months after Pearl Harbor, the lives of Japanese Americans across the continent and Hawaii were changed forever. In this unforgettable chronicle of war-time America and the battlefields of Europe, Daniel James Brown portrays the journey of Rudy Tokiwa, Fred Shiosaki, and Kats Miho, who volunteered for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and were deployed to France, Germany, and Italy, where they were asked to do the near impossible. Brown also tells the story of these soldiers' parents, immigrants who were forced to submit to life in concentration camps on U.S. soil. Woven throughout is the chronicle of Gordon Hirabayashi, one of a cadre of patriotic resisters who stood up against their government in defense of their own rights. Whether fighting on battlefields or in courtrooms, these were Americans under unprecedented strain, doing what Americans do best—striving, resisting, pushing back, rising up, standing on principle, laying down their lives, and enduring.

About the Author

Daniel James Brown is the author of The Boys in the Boat, The Indifferent Stars Above, and Under a Flaming Sky. He lives outside of Seattle.

Tom Ikeda is the former executive director of Densho, a Seattle-based non-profit dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing Japanese American history and promoting social justice and equity.


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Anderson's Bookshop

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