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Virtual event with Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff/Aurora's End

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Virtual event with Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff/Aurora's End
Join Anderson's Bookshops and New York Times and internationally bestselling authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff for a virtual launch party celebrating the release of AURORA’S END, the third and final installment in the bestselling Aurora Cycle series.  The authors will be in conversation with Mary Hinson.

The first forty (40) people to purchase a ticket to this event will also receive a signed bookplate from both authors—so don’t wait to get yours now!

The squad you love is out of time. Prepare for the thrilling finale in the epic, best-selling Aurora Cycle series about a band of unlikely heroes who just might be the galaxy's last hope for survival.

Please note that we can only ship to US addresses!  Please choose the ticket that includes shipping if you would like your book mailed to you.

More about the book:

Is this the end?
    What happens when you ask a bunch of losers, discipline cases, and misfits to save the galaxy from an ancient evil? The ancient evil wins, of course.
    Wait. . . . Not. So. Fast.
    When we last saw Squad 312, they working together seamlessly (aka, freaking out) as an intergalactic battle raged and an ancient superweapon threatened to obliterate Earth. Everything went horribly wrong, naturally.
     But as it turns out, not all endings are endings, and the team has one last chance to rewrite theirs. Maybe two. It's complicated.
    Cue Zila, Fin, and Scarlett (and MAGELLAN!): making friends, making enemies, and making history? Sure, no problem
    Cue Tyler, Kal, and Auri: uniting with two of the galaxy’s most hated villains? Um, okay. That, too.
    Actually saving the galaxy, though? 
    Now that will take a miracle.

About the Author:

Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff are the New York Times bestselling co-authors of the Illuminae Files and the Aurora Cycle. Amie has also co-written (with Meagan Spooner) the Starbound and the Unearthed trilogies. Jay is the author of the LIFEL1K3 series, as well as the Empire of the Vampire, Nevernight Chronicle, and the Lotus War series for adults. Collectively, Amie and Jay stand 12'5" tall and live in Melbourne, Australia, with two long-suffering spouses, two rescue dogs, and a plentiful supply of caffeine. They met thanks to international taxation law, and stuck together due to a shared love of blowing things up and breaking hearts. 

Mary Hinson is a senior library assistant and former book blogger based in Texas. When she's not purchasing YA books for the library or working on the North Texas Teen Book Festival, Mary is probably listening to an audiobook while playing video games set in space. You can find her on pages 328-335 of Gemina or on Twitter @knoxdiver creating themed booklists and cheering for the Dallas Stars. 


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