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Trump Lear

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Trump Lear Online

Limited Engagement beginning

Friday April 3rd at 8:30 PM EST 

ONLINE via Zoom link

WE HAVE JUST EXTENDED! Now Booking Virtual Shows Through Friday May 22nd!

During the London Plague Quarantine, Shakespeare wrote King Lear. During the USA Coronavirus Quarantine David Carl will Live-Stream Trump Lear from his Brooklyn home Friday April 3rd 8:30 PM.

After a successful year-long run Off-Off Broadway at Under St. Mark’s, and two SOLD OUT RUNS at Pleasance Courtyard at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2018 and 2019, Trump Lear will be performed live and live-streamed for audiences in NYC and the UK simultaneously.

NYC’s Award-winning Project Y Theatre Company presents Trump Lear Online (written and performed by David Carl, directed by Michole Biancosino and co-created by Carl and Biancosino). The Pilot Performance date is Friday April 3rd at 8:30 PM with more dates to follow.

Audiences will receive their Zoom login one hour before showtime.

Live Stream Show Dates:

Friday, April 3rd at 8:30pm, Friday, April 10th at 8:30pm, Saturday, April 11th at 3pm

Friday, April 17th at 8:30pm, Saturday, April 18th at 3pm, Wednesday, April 22nd at 8:30pm

Friday, April 24 at 8:30pm, Saturday, April 25 at 3pm,

Wednesday, April 29th at 8:30pm, Friday, May 1st at 8:30pm

** Just ADDED: Friday, May 8th at 8:30pm, Friday, May 15th at 8:30pm, & Friday May 22nd at 8:30pm **

The show:

Actor and impersonator, Carl David, is being held without bail for performing his Trump-inspired version of Shakespeare's King Lear. Carl David is forced to perform his King Lear to an unseen online audience of one, as the President restlessly watches remotely from a live, public feed. The stakes are high: if Trump likes Carl and his show, Carl lives. If not, Carl dies. But how can Carl get through a show where he has created a Lear based on Trump himself without offending the audience?

For the first time, the audience will be watching from home just like the fictional audience in the show, in this newly reimagined meta meta version of the show.

Trump Lear Online is produced by Project Y Theatre Company, Richard Jordan Productions, Louise J. Beard, and Stanley and Cynthia Gutkowski, in association with The Pleasance.

Reviews from the Edinburgh Fringe runs:

“A surreal, grotesque send-up of The Donald by brilliant American impersonator David Carl.” The Daily Mail

“Trump Lear is a chaotically enjoyable one-man show...Carl is a superb impressionist.” The Spectator

“A manic and often hysterically funny performance...showing the breadth of Carl's talent, as well as his clearly accomplished command of Shakespeare.” British Theatre Guide

Reviews from the New York City run:

"A brilliant gem with many facets that shine an intensely comic light on Trump. It's a brutally honest x-ray as only a comedy can be...Trump Lear should be seen by as many people as can fit into Under St. Marks." Theater Scene

“It’s quite damning.” The New York Times

"Michole Biancosino, who has collaborated with Carl on other shows, is adept at keeping the energy and craziness up without letting it spin into incomprehensible chaos." Best Bet, Theatre is Easy


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