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6th Annual Taste of India Inclusive Festival 2023 Press Release

Event Date & time – August 4, - 3:00 PM to 12:00 AM        &

                                      August 5, - 12:00 Noon – 10:00 PM


Venue – Nathan Phillips Square

Address – 100 Queen St W, Toronto, ON – M5H 2N1


CIBC Global Money Transfer Presents - Taste of India Festival which was announced as the largest food festival of entire North America is back on the same long weekend on August 4 & 5, 2023 @ the most iconic and the largest open square of Canada (Nathan Phillip Square) downtown Toronto.

The event is free entry for all every year, Taste of India Festival 2023 will promote richness of culture & heritage through its Art, Music, Dance, Entertainment & cuisine by connecting diverse communities together in an inclusive fashion to foster socio and economic development of Canadians which gives the entire diverse ethnicity of Canada to be a part & enjoy the festival. 


Overall, 2023 festival will be a trip of mind-blowing sensory feast for everyone who visit with over 150,000 visitors in 2 days.

150 restaurants and food brands displaying over 900+ mouth-watering dishes, 750+ artist setting the stage and ground on fire, new elements of competitions, flash mobs, kids ride, best DJ for creating a concert in night with lights show and amazing music, Beer Garden and many more activities.


The stage will have 60 feet LED wall for amazing visuals, branding and the ground will have non stop activities for people to participate and make themselves a part or inclusion of the festival.

The stage will be the largest platform for the Canadian Artist, local talent, cultural dance troops, local bands, singers and dancers to exhibit and showcase their talent in front of multicultural crowd of thousands of people from diverse ethnicities.

The ground will have flash mobs for all the communities to join and become the part of festival and celebrate and embrace the heritage and culture. Also, their will be kid’s performances and competitions with awards, certificates and prizes to boost the confidence and motivate.

Stage will have open mic singing challenge, eating competitions, fitness challenge, dance and musical challenges, mashup and many more activities.


The intended outcome is to build bridges and merge the different ethnic communities together through Art, Culture, Heritage and Culinary. “The main outcome of the festival will be connected Communities”

For Further Information please contact

Rinku Shah (CEO – School of Flavours Ltd)                  Vrajesh (President - Young Canadian Alliances)

© - 647.390.9954 -           ©- 416.735.9954 –



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