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Solo Sunday Presents "World's Greatest Dad (?)" by Jimmy Carrane

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

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This event is now sold out!  There will be no ticket sales at the door.

Please join us at Chicago's newest performance venue dedicated to solo performance, an intimate 55-seat theater tucked away inside one of the city's legendary Irish pubs. 

World's Greatest Dad (?)

After 10 years in therapy, Jimmy Carrane is still unhappy that he is not as famous as some of the people he started out doing improv with. So when his therapist suggests that Jimmy and his wife have a baby to bring more joy into their life, Jimmy sets out to become a first-time dad at age 52, at the same time that his own father is dying. From fertility treatments to a disastrous funeral, Carrane takes us on a funny and poignant roller coaster of life and death and shares his discovery that you don’t have to be the “greatest” to be a good dad.

An original member of The Annoyance Theater and Armando at The iO-Chicago, JIMMY CARRANE has written and starred in several acclaimed one-man shows including “I’m 27, I Still Live at Home and I Sell Office Supplies” and “Living in a Dwarf’s House,” and also performed in groundbreaking shows such as “Godshow” and “Naked” with MadTV’s Stephanie Weir. Today, Jimmy is a renowned and respected improv teacher, having taught at The Second City, iO-Chicago, The Annoyance, Victory Gardens and other locations for more than 25 years. He is the co-author of the book Improvising Better: A Guide to the Working Improviser and author of Improv Therapy and The Inner Game of Improv. As a storyteller, Jimmy has performed at Steppenwolf, This Much Is True, Louder Than A Mom, First Person Live, Back Room Stories, Story Jam and Fillet Of Solo. His film and TV credits include "Shining Girls" on Apple TV, "Chicago PD," Public Enemies, "ER," and Natural Born Killers. He may be best known to some Chicago audiences from his seven years as host of Studio 312 on Chicago Public Radio, a show-within-a-show on WBEZ’s 848, where he interviewed celebrities including Conan O’Brien, Cindy Crawford and Jeff Garlin. Later, Carrane gained notoriety as the host of the popular podcast Improv Nerd, where he has interviewed some of the biggest names in comedy, including Key & Peele, Broad City, Bob Odenkirk,  Adam McKay, Jon Favreau, and more. For information about Jimmy's improv classes, private storytelling coaching and anything else about Jimmy, please visit his website at 

  • General admission seating. Doors at 3:00 PM.
  • Show will run 60 minutes without intermission, followed by a brief talkback/Q&A.
  • Entire venue is fully accessible.
  • Cash and Venmo/Zelle sales at the door if tickets are still available.
  • Dining and drinks available downstairs before and after performance (with Irish music session before!)
  • Free parking in nearby lot and metered on the street.

“[Carrane] gracefully mixes the sweet and the sour, one minute moving us with a serious observation, making us laugh out loud the next with a witty quip, and then moving us again with another of life's bitter truths.” – Jack Helbig, Chicago Reader

SOLO SUNDAY is produced by SCOTT WHITEHAIR, creator of Story Lab Chicago, This Much Is True, and Do Not Submit. More info at


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Scott Whitehair

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