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Solo Sunday Presents "Mid-Century Tales" by Wendy Parman (w/ Andrew Milliken)

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

If online ticketing has closed, we will have cash Venmo/Zelle sales at the door!

Please join us for this special, intimate performance at one of the city's legendary Irish pubs. 

Mid-Century Tales
By Wendy Parman (w/Andrew Milliken)

What do Mozart, Barbie, drunken dads, and Space Food Sticks have in common? They all lurk in the darkly humorous heart of Wendy Parman’s Mid-Century Tales. With the delightfully talented Andrew Milikin on keys, this hybrid performance will feature readings, and stories with a sprinkling of songs, both original and obscure. We aim to pull you out of your doldrums and into your imagined past. 

Wendy Parman is both a performer and published author (!) who performs her original songs, stories, and personal essays. She was recently featured in Dorothy Parker’s Ashes “Rock ‘n Roll” edition, and is thrilled that her story “Voice and Movement” will be included in a soon to be released anthology, Awakenings: Stories of Body & Consciousness by ELJ Editions. Her works include a solo musical memoir with a very long name, and a musical comedy on YouTube, “Callie's Solo Web Series.”  She has appeared in many theatrical productions and cabarets in Chicago. In the light of day, Wendy is a voice teacher with a thriving studio on the north side. She’s currently working on a memoir, when she isn’t chasing after her adorabeast, Felina Furrante. 

Andrew Milliken has been a pianist/music director in the Chicago area since 2016, working primarily in storefront musical theater and as a dance accompanist. He would like to thank Wendy for the opportunity to play in a cabaret setting! 

  • General admission seating. Doors at 6:00 PM.
  • Show will run 60 minutes without intermission.
  • Entire venue is fully accessible.
  • Cash and Venmo/Zelle sales at the door if tickets are still available.
  • Dining available downstairs before the performance. Drinks can be brought into theater.
  • Free parking in nearby lots and on the street (No meters on Sunday)

SOLO SUNDAY is produced by SCOTT WHITEHAIR, creator of Story Lab Chicago, This Much Is True, Do Not Submit, and Story Vroom Vroom. More info at


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Scott Whitehair

Scott Whitehair

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{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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