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Solo Sunday Presents "How Ringo Saved Me from A Life in the Convent" by Megon McDonough

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If online ticketing is closed, we will have cash or Zelle/Venmo sales at the door the day of the performance.

Please join us at Chicago's newest performance venue dedicated to solo performance, an intimate 46-seat theater tucked away inside one of the city's legendary Irish pubs. 

How Ringo Saved Me from A Life in the Convent

In this extraordinary and intimate evening, Megon McDonough takes you on a musical journey of her career, starting with her early influences – the Beatles, Carole King, Joni Mitchell – followed by some of Megon’s own folk songs, ranging from the hilarious (such as the ones she recorded with the group The Four Bitchin’ Babes) to heartfelt hits like “Amazing Things.” In this personal show, see how music has the universal power to connect us all.

Megon McDonough recorded her first record at age fourteen, winning The WLS Big Break Radio Contest, which garnered her a recording contract with Mercury Records. Fate being what it is, she was released from her contract instead of her record being released. By age 17, Megon was signed to Jerry Wientraub’s Management 3 management company and Wooden Nickel/RCA record label. She began touring and opening for such folk acts as John Denver, Steve Martin, and Harry Chapin, performing on stages as diverse as Carnegie Hall and the Cellar Door. Megon might be best known for her work as an inaugural member of the folk group The Four Bitchin’ Babes, which allowed her wit and folk sensibilities to comment on the ups and downs of everyday life. To date, she has 20+ solo albums to her credit, and is best known for her inspiring song “Amazing Things." Megon classifies her music as folk/cabaret, citing her love of theater and jazz as the reason for the unusual mix. In addition to her singing career, Megon has also had an acclaimed acting career. She received rave reviews for playing Patsy Cline in Always ... Patsy Cline and was nominated for the prestigious Joseph Jefferson Award. She has appeared in Pump Boys and Dinettes, Forever Prine at the Viaduct Theater in Chicago, and most recently wrote music and melodies for the songs of As You Like It, for The Shakespeare Project of Chicago. In December 2018, Megon celebrated her 9th year as Music Minister at Unity Northwest Church, in Des Plaines, IL. Currently, Megon teaches voice privately and is on the faculty at The Music Institute of Chicago. But most exciting for her is her training as a Certified Recovery Coach and Interventionist, helping empower individuals and their families to recover from the devastating effects of addiction and depression. Megon lives in Chicagoland and travels near and far to sing, tell stories, and carry a message of hope and humor.

  • General admission seating. Doors at 6:30 PM.
  • Show will run 70 minutes without intermission.
  • Entire venue is fully accessible.
  • Cash and Venmo/Zelle sales at the door if tickets are still available.
  • Dining available downstairs before/after performance. Drinks can be brought into theater.
  • Free parking in nearby lot and on the street (No meters for Lincoln on Sunday)

SOLO SUNDAY is produced by SCOTT WHITEHAIR, creator of Story Lab Chicago, This Much Is True, and Do Not Submit. More info at


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