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Santa Crawl at Bar 13

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Join Us for the best SantaCon Party this season at Bar 13!

Ho-Ho-Ho....get in the festive mood, dress up and come celebrate the holidays with us!

Celebrate this year's Santa Crawl festivities with a merry grant time at Bar 13!

Enter Santa's Winter Wonderland and come play in his workshop of fun!

With three floors to play with, this is truly one of our favorite parties of the year. What to expect? a complimentary breakfast bar (pancakes, waffles, etc.) photo booth, beer pong tables, pizza, cotton candy, pop corn, and other activities through out the day. Bottle service will be provided on the main floor (packages availble)

*Note: All bottle packages must be purchased online.

Sounds by: Big Ben, Petitie Smallz, DJ Dish, Marty Rock, and DJ Elev8.

Hookah provided by request. Wether your playing corn hole on the roof, taking a picture with santa and our jumbo Christmas tree, dancing on the main floor, or feasting on the buffet on the 2nd, there is something for you to enjoy!


The Lower East Side of Manhattan is known to be a NYC hotspot on the weekends for people looking to have a great time. Among the favorite bars in the area, you will find the gem called Bar 13 Rooftop Bar located at 35 East 13th Street. Whether you are looking for a place to party or somewhere that hosts an after party; this is the full-service bar to pick.

After recent renovations, Bar 13 added a full-service kitchen to their location which quickly made them rise to the top of the preferred venues list by NYC event planners. This after already being a favored location for several television networks who have filmed scenes at this LES bar in NYC. Generally, a great place to enjoy delicious drinks, food, and a variety of music with some awesome people. Especially during happy hour when local professionals are known to frequent the bar as a place to decompress and have an excellent time.

Must be 21+ with Proper ID. All Sales FINAL.


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{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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