roofTOP Chefs is a series created by The Colonnade Hotel’s Executive Chef Nick Calias, who has invited his chef comrades to collaborate on a poolside tasting pop-up every Tuesday through September 13 with 100% of proceeds benefitting Share Our Strength No Kid Hungry. Each guest chef will whip up dishes of their own creation and Chef Calias will craft a complimenting dish or cocktail to pair, for a casual cookout-style atmosphere but with flavors you’d be hard-pressed to finesse in your own back yard.
Schedule of Guest Chefs:
June 13th, Jason Santos, Abby Lane, Back Bay Harry's, Buttermilk & Bourbon
June 27th, Karen Akunowicz, Myers+Chang
July 11th, Julie Cutting, Cure Bistro
July 25th, Tony Maws, Kirkland Tap & Trotter, Craigie on Main
August 8th, Rodney Murillo, Davio's
August 22nd, Matt Drummond, Loco
August 29th, Fred Bisaillon, B-ACK Yard BBQ, Surfside Smoke
September 5th, Josh Ziskin, La Morra, The Heritage of Sherborn
September 12th, Jen Royle, Dare To Taste