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Rajiv Satyal is The Man in The Middle - Chicago/Naperville

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Doors to the lobby open at 7 pm. A cash bar will be available so come early to mingle!  Doors to the Auditorium will open at 7:30 pm.  

Rajiv Satyal is a Los Angeles-based comedian/host.  His TV-clean act has made him one of the most versatile comedians working today.  He began his career in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Rajiv had an unusual entry into standup, doing his act for then-World No. 1 tennis player Pete Sampras in a locker room.  Satyal has some interesting claims to fame:  he opened for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in front of 17,000 people.  He made the massively viral I AM INDIAN video, which has been seen over 50 million times, shared by Bollywood stars, and used to introduce the Indian Prime Minister in Shanghai and Dubai.  He has opened for Russell Peters more than any other Indian comedian.  Rajiv has opened for Dave Chappelle five times and even opened Chappelle’s very first show after his much-publicized African hiatus.  And one night in New York City, Satyal closed the show at Gotham Comedy Club, following one of his heroes, Jerry Seinfeld.

Satyal performs weekly at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood.  He has 12 videos with over 100,000 YouTube views each, and been featured on/in Amazon, NBC, NPR, Nickelodeon, Netflix, GQ, Bob & Tom, Times Now, Fx, Zee TV, Spotify, Pandora, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Variety, Advertising Age, The Times of India, The Huffington Post, and The LA Times.

Seating is open except for seats reserved for NIAM tickets.  Please consider supporting the National Indo-American Museum by purchasing these seats.  A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the museum.  

Tickets are non-refundable.  Please purchase your tickets before arriving at the venue.  Have your tickets ready to scan on your phone or bring a print out of the ticket with you.  


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