- #Things to do
- #Meetings & Networking
- #Business Meeting

We know this can be a difficult time, but we each have the choice and the power to make the most of it. The first Wednesday of every month, we will gather at 12:30pm EST for one hour to share tips, tools, and advice on topics around personal and professional development.
This is an engaging and insightful experience to help you stay connected and informed with topics that are relevant to our current circumstances. We welcome you to invite like-minded and like-hearted friends, colleagues, and coworkers to participate and get answers to your most pressing questions. A list of topics is below and will be updated as the dates commence.
See below for a sample of topics from 2020 and this year:
June 3rd-A Courageous & Conscious Conversation: #BLACKLIVESMATTER
June 10th-Establishing a Balanced Life-Learning to Balance Effort and Ease in Yoga and in Life
June 17th- Healing from Our Traumas: Post Traumatic Growth
June 24th-Manifesting Your Vision-Creating a Vision Board for Your Future
July 1st-Me, Inc.-BEcoming the CEO of Your Life
July 22nd- Dating While Quarantined
August 5th - Diversity at Work: The Foundation of Cultural Change
September 2nd - Planning for the Future: Trust and Estate Planning
Participants will need to sign up for each Lunch and Learn they would like to attend. If you are interested in viewing a past meeting, the recordings are available to view.
Together we WILL get through this! We look forward to seeing you on the first Wednesday of the month!