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PHILLY Lady Boss

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Calling female entrepreneurs in the health and wellness industries!

Join us for a special edition of Lady Boss, an intimate roundtable for ambitious business owners. This one is especially for women whose businesses are in the health and wellness industries, or whose business directly supports the health and wellness industies.

Event Overview

Each month, Wellstruck teams up with another woman-owned business to co-host this intimate two-hour gathering of 12 women business owners in Baltimore. At the event, Sarah Zero from Wellstruck loosely moderates a discussion where every attendee gets to ask a question. Each attendee gets five minutes of undivided attention, feedback, and support from the whole group to help answer her question. The last thirty minutes is for casual mingling, allowing everyone to get to know each other even better. Check out to learn more about this month's co-host.

Who is Lady Boss for?

Note: This is a special edition especially for health and wellness businesses and those that support them. If the business you own is a primary source of your income (or you're actively working toward that), you're welcome to join us. Lady Boss is for women who have built their own products / services and want to share and learn from women who've done the same. In the past, women from the following industries have attended: maker, writing, fine arts, tech, health, wellness, fitness, beauty, food, blogging, fashion, social good, lifestyle, agriculture, and more.

Who is Lady Boss not for?

We have found that reps for multi-level marketing businesses are not an ideal fit for the Lady Boss community. This includes reps / stylists / advocates for brands such as LuLaRoe, Plexus, DoTerra, Stella & Dot, and others that use similar structures. Though we enjoy the products from many of these brands, we've found that those companies provide ample support for their reps, so we prefer to keep our limited seating open to business owners who don't have those kinds of resources.

What do I need to bring?

Please bring a question to ask the group. You are also welcome to bring business cards and a notebook. Feel free to bring a sample of your product to pass around or share if your business is product-based. You may purchase drinks and/or light bites from the café counter when you arrive. 

Event Format

We ask that all guests plan to arrive at 4:30 and stay at least until the end of discussion. Check out the event flow:

3:30: Arrive, grab a drink/snack, grab a seat

3:45: Wellstruck kicks off welcome and introductions

4:00: Q&A discussion

5:15: Mingling & wrap-up

Mailing List. Can't make this one, but want to be informed of future Lady Boss events? Learn more and sign up here.

Inclusivity. We use an inclusive definition of ‘woman’ and ‘female’ and we welcome all of those with marginalized genders and identities.

Cancellations. After you purchase a ticket, if you find that you are unable to attend for any reason, please email so we can offer your spot to someone on the wait list. Because we have a wait list, tickets are non-transferrable. We are happy to issue a refund to anyone who lets us know at least three business days before the event.

Lady Boss is a passion project founded by Wellstruck, which uses strategy and design to grow brands.


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{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
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{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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Teams are subsets of attendees who collaborate in the event with each other. Each team has its own members. When an event attendee purchases a ticket, they are not automatically added to a team; each attendee must join a specific team within an event.


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