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OIS Online Training

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The Oregon Intervention System (OIS) is Oregon's system of training and implementing the principles of Positive Behavior Support and Intervention to staff that support adults and children with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) that may display challenging behaviors.

In order to take this Online Training  - YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE ZOOM APP PRIOR TO THE CLASS DATE

Hi, I am your OIS Instructor, Kathy Kay    NOTE: download as a PDF or Copy Paste this letter to a Word doc. so you have it for reference later.

Topic: OIS Online
Day 1: Tue Sept. 7th 8-5 Online 

Day 2:
Portland: Wed. Sept 8th
10-12 noon Online and  
1:30pm to 5pm In-Person 
We will meet at Argay City Park 3800NE 141st. Dr. Portland OR 97230
Salem: Thur Sept. 9th Online and 
1:30pm to 5pm In-Person 
We will meet at Around the Clock Support Services at
3400 State St. Salem Or. 97301

After you take the two day curriculum training with me. You will be required to complete a quiz. If you pass the quiz with an 80% you will be able to take the PPI in- person skills training.  You will receive your 2yr. OIS Certificate after attending all portions.

All COVID 19 sanitation and protection mandates are followed. 



Frequently Asked Questions

Refund Policy
There are no refunds for late cancelation (less than 7 days prior to class) . Switching class is only offered for the next available class at no cost. If you need a different class date other than what has been offered by the instructor, please go to the website to register and pay for a different class.
ProxyWorks Consulting

ProxyWorks Consulting


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{{eventInfo.TicketsTitle}} ({{eventInfo.RemainingTickets}} remain) Got Code?

Tickets are available for {{selectedVenue.VenueName}} for {{selectedDate.Description}}.
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


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