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Todo Humanos

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In Puerto Rico and Latin America, the story of The Three Kings is part of national folklore. The Singing Kings is a documentary short recounting the story of The Three Kings intertwined with highlighting the 24-year tradition of Los Reyes Cantores de Isabela, Puerto Rico. Featuring on-camera narration by Michael J. Roldan.

Director/Producer: Joelle G. Laguer, MFA

Executive Producer: Ulrich K. Thienel

Photography and Sound: EX Photography and Films Inc

Editor: Emanuel Lopez

Original Music by:Los Reyes Cantores de Isabela

Narrator: Michael J. Roldan



Karma strikes when a barista finds himself the subject of a public social media shaming attempt that totally backfires—inspired by actual events.

Producer: Ozz Gomez and Robert J. Morgalo

Associate Producer: Robert E. McCarty

Director: Ozz Gomez

Writer: Robert J. Morgalo

Director of Photography: Mateo Toro

Editor: Hugh DiMauro

Assistant Editor: Isabella J. Morgallo

Lead Actors:

-       Josue Ledesma

-       Darlene Tejeiro

-       Kathleen Harvey

-       Dorian Perez

-       Gabby Morgalo

-       Johnathan Aarons

Head of Department: Stephanie Weaver



Alma, a single mother, lives in an impoverished mountain town in Puerto Rico, where she works as a cockfight trainer. She is in the throes of an abusive relationship, and one morning she goes out for a run, never to return. As someone prays for her soul, life and death converge through memories. Inspired by true events, this film is an ode to women who suffer at the hands of violence.



-       Lorraine Jones

-       Cristian Carretero

-       Samara Perez

Director/Writer: Lorraine Jones

Director of Photography: Cristian Carretero

Editor: Cristian Carretero

Co-Editor: Macha Colon

Lead Actors:

-       Zamary Boucet

-       Kisha Tikina Burgos

-       Carlos Casillas

-       Leru Ruiz

Art Director: Ada Rodriguez Bermudes

Wardrobe & Makeup: Alexandra Maldonado

Music Score: Javo Grant Bassat

Sound Editing: Jaime Vazquez and Juan Pablo Moreu



The Colorado River doesn’t just run through the southwest; it runs through our culture and nourishes our communities. This film profiles the Latino community of Yuma, Arizona, and how they are inherently tied to the health and sustainability of the river, and as we learn, the rest of us across the country are as well. For the people who work the fields, maintain the history of the region, or pray in the community church, the Colorado River represents not only their livelihood but provides a deep, spiritual connection too. We are all tied to these rivers, whether you play on them or not.

Director: Justin Clifton

Producers: Maite Arce and Sinjin Eberle

Director of Photography: Chris Cresci

Editor: Chris Cresci




Conversations Between Shifts chronicles the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic through the eyes of a nurse and her son. It is a portrait of Chicagoland ICU nurse Jeanette Alvarez-Basem, captured through the perspective of her son, Ben Basem. Between her night shifts and Illinois Nurses Association union meetings, Jeanette navigates what it means to be a nurse and a human during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Producer: Eden Strachan

Director: Ben Basem

Writer: Ben Basem

Director of Photography: Ben Basem

Editors: Yeshim Kayim-Yanko, Thomas Gonzalez, Will Hopper

Cast: Jeanette Alvarez-Basem


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