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Meet the Author - Kaleb Wyse

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Join us for a special evening with one of Instagram's favorite farmers, Kaleb Wyse, as he shares his delicious collection of classic, Midwestern family recipes updated with modern spins and ingredients.  Buy your ticket today!  We expect this to be a well-attended event, so don't wait!  Kaleb will personalize copies purchased at the event.  

NOTE: There are three ticket options available-- Two options include a pre-signed copy of There's Always Room at the Table and will have priority for personalization and photos.

When Kaleb Wyse started documenting his daily life on his farm in Iowa, he didn’t think many people would take notice or even care. After all, his way of life is simple, guided by the seasons—he spends his days gardening, preserving, baking, and cooking, a rhythm not all that different from that of his parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents who worked the land before him.

But it turns out that people from all over the country (and even the world) connected with Kaleb’s simple, back-to-basics way of living, and fell in love with his hearty, homestyle cooking. From casseroles to biscuits, his recipes hit the sweet spot of nostalgia for some—and are a breath of fresh air for others.

In his debut cookbook, Kaleb shares his midwestern family recipes, updated for the way we eat today.

Kaleb Wyse is a fourth-generation farmer who lives in southeastern Iowa on his family land. Through his Wyse Guide blog and social media, he documents his life on the farm and shares his expertise on subjects like cooking, gardening, and canning. His goal is to show people how to enjoy the beauty and benefits of farm life no matter where they live. Kaleb has been featured in This Old House, Folk, All Recipes, Better Homes & Gardens, Farmhouse at Heart, and Studio McGee.  

Kaleb will be joined in conversation by Carrie Boyd, executive food editor for Better Homes & Gardens and Carrie is a lifelong Iowan and has more than 15 years of experience in food media and content creation. 


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