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Manan Singh KATOHORA Presents -- "Bollywood AZAAD" -- Official INDO-PAK Independence Day Celebrations EVENT IN DC (DMV)

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Special Thanks to Our Sponsor "DaVe Group" -

:: PLEASE Call (347) 409 2615 if you want to BOOK a VIP TABLE ::

This HISTORICAL BOLLYWOOD Event @ THIS Gorgeous Venue will definitely get SOLD OUT SOON so kindly please get your super super Discounted Tix NOW.

Every year Indian-Americans and Pakistani-Americans UNITE to celebrate the Independence Day (Pakistan - 14th August; India - 15th August). 

Brainchild of  Manan Singh Katohora  (JMD Creations)  and  Saumil Parikh  (Band Baaja Entertainment)  -  'Bollywood-Hollywood' Parties are the Premiere Events for South Asians and International Audience in the DC Metro Area  (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia) -  "Unity in diversity"  a symbol of peace and brotherhood,  amidst the current chaos of the world. This year hundreds of men and women, dressed up, will sing and dance to the popular tunes of Bollywood and Hollywood at Washington DC's Mainstream Venue  "Hard Rock Cafe" on Saturday August 26 with Celebrity DJ SVP.

Bollywood Cinema, with its characteristic Film Music, has not only spread all over Indian society, but also been on the forefront of the spread of India's culture around the World.  Bollywood’s boisterous masala fare elicits enthusiastic wolf whistles in cinemas in the East and West. Today Bollywood is the only global challenger to the popularity and clout of mighty Hollywood.

With a massive global presence, "Hard Rock Cafe" is one of the world's most globally recognized brands. Hard Rock is also known for its collectible fashion and music-related merchandise, memorable dining experiences, Hard Rock Live performance venues and more.

"Hard Rock Cafe" is known for its collection of rock-and-roll memorabilia. The cafes solicit donations of music memorabilia but also purchase a number of items at auctions around the world, including autographed guitars, costumes from world tours and rare photographs; these are often to be found mounted on cafe walls. 


Manan Singh KATOHORA & Saumil PARIKH

   "Bollywood AZAAD" 
   Official INDO-PAK Independence Day Celebrations EVENT IN DC
   with Celebrity 'DJ SVP' 

Saturday, August 26 //  Doors Open 930 PM 
@ DC's #1 NEW Mainstream Venue "HARD ROCK CAFE"
:: 999 E St NW, Washington, DC 20004 ::

# Venue Capacity (400)
# Get your Super Super $15 Discounted Tickets Now!

* HARD ROCK CAFE is DC's Newest Upscale Venue (21+)
* Limited VIP Tables // DRESS TO IMPRESS!
* 5 Hours of NONSTOP Bollywood Entertainment (930PM - 3AM)

|| FOR VIP TABLES : (347) 409 2615 & (240) 505 7285  ||



{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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