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KTOWN Night Market ✖ SILK Show 2017

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

KTOWN Night Market ✖ SILK Show 2017
*FREE Entry for first 5,000 tickets online.
(*Limit one per person, per email address. Extra orders will be voided without notice)

Facebook Event:

KTOWN Night Market is for everyone of all ages to enjoy!!

KTOWN Night Market brings the traditional Asian night market concept to Koreatown, Los Angeles by emulating the jovial atmospheres and celebrations with 100+ local food and merchandise vendors that offer the full breadth of multi-ethnic street cuisine from Greater Los Angeles.

SILK Show is an all new sample sale event.

We provide the perfect platform for brands to connect directly with their customers in a fun setting. For our attendees we give you an event to shop your favorite brands at 50% - 80% off retail price. Its an all around good time.

Concept is to invite all Angelinos to come enjoy the long Summer nights with their family and friends, while celebrating LA Koreatown's unique culture.


How much is it to get in?

  • It's $2 Online Presale or $5 At The Door to attend KTOWN Night Market SILK Show 2017.

What are the hours?

  • Friday, June 16th - 4PM to 11PM
  • Saturday, June 17th - 2PM to 11PM

Do I need to print out the tickets?

  • Although it is not required, we highly recommend printing out tickets for faster entries.

Where can I park? How much is it?

  • Coming Soon - Please check on our website!

Do you allow pets and animals in the event?

  • Health Department regulations does not allow pets with the exception of service animals.

How can I get a refund?

  • All sales are final and non-refundable. Even in cases of inclement weather, unless the event is officially cancelled due to public safety reasons. Any special offers and/or discounts are limited to one ticket per person, per email.

What items are prohibited from the event?

  • Items not allowed in the event include bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, and weapons of any kind (including guns, knives, pepper spray, handcuffs, bats or other items). Smoking or any illegal drugs within the event grounds will be strictly prohibited. Additionally, no outside food items will be allowed to be brought inside the event. Baby strollers and coolers containing baby food are allowed. One bottled water (up to 16.9 fl oz) per person will be allowed. NOTE: All bags, purses, backpacks and persons may be subject to screening by security personnel. Attendees should prepare accordingly.


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{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

Frequently Asked Questions

{{faq.Question}} keyboard_arrow_right
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KTOWN Night Market

KTOWN Night Market

{{ i.title }}


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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



{{sp.FirstName+' '}}{{sp.LastName}}
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No Record found!

{{eventInfo.TicketsTitle}} ({{eventInfo.RemainingTickets}} remain) Got Code?

Tickets are available for {{selectedVenue.VenueName}} for {{selectedDate.Description}}.
{{venue.VenueName}} {{date.Description}}

{{eventInfo.AccessPromoCode}}, code applied successfully.

{{ticket.SourcePriceText}} {{ticket.TypeName}} (+{{ticket.FeeText}} FEE)
{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


This is a members-only ticket! Become a Member
{{item}} event_seat Pick Seats
Sold OUT
{{ticket.SoldQuantity}} Registered {{ticket.RemainingQuantity}} Remaining
{{cartDealMap.dealoff}} {{cartDealMap.dealdetails}}
{{cartDealMap.dealdesbold}} {{cartDealMap.dealdessmall}}
thumb_up {{cartDealMap.dealthumbsup}}
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


Bundle Your Order And Save ?

Buy together and save money! We have exclusive deals to make your event experience more convenient, cheaper and fun.

format_list_bulleted{{Dealbox.Text}} deals list


Teams are subsets of attendees who collaborate in the event with each other. Each team has its own members. When an event attendee purchases a ticket, they are not automatically added to a team; each attendee must join a specific team within an event.


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