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KMP1 - Kanban Management Professional 1- Online Certification Workshop

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About this Event

For more details you can also browse - AgileWaters Consulting WebSite

Kanban System Design (KMP1) is a Two-day course accredited by the Lean Kanban University (LKU). The class edifies the fundamentals of the Kanban Method and accommodates as the ingression level and starting point to an alternative path to agility. The intention of the course is to learn core concepts of Agile, Lean, and the Kanban Method as well as design and implement a Kanban task board on the single-team level.

Who Should Attend

The Ideal Participants Of this class are those who are responsible for improving delivery of products and services to customers of professional services businesses and also those who contribute at team level or above.

Project Managers, Support managers, Product owners, Scrum Master, Development/QA Team Members, Business Analysts, Center of Excellence Team Members, Process Improvement Coaches, Program Managers, Portfolio Managers & all Other who want to bring changes that is quickly accepted & will gain deeper understanding of the benefits of applying Kanban to their existing workflows.

During this program,

You will learn what the Kanban Method is, the principles and practices of the Method, and how you can build your Kanban proficiency by:

Designing a Kanban board for multiple teams/end to end Value Stream

How to collaborate when practicing Kanban at multi team level

Understanding work item types and identifying risks associated with them

Understanding the variety of Kanban boards designs and styles

Selecting the Team Kanban board design that is best suited for your context

Understand the need why advancing to the next stage of Kanban Management Professional is an important and valuable step on their journey to be agile

Understanding the value and benefits for each of the "alternative path to agility"

Building a higher level of quality through the use of a Kanban

For more details you can also browse - AgileWaters Consulting WebSite


Basic understanding of Agile, Lean & Kanban

Understand the Visualization of tasks, risks, etc. using different types of Kanban Boards

Implementation of Team Kanban TaskBoard for your teams and enterprise

Qualifies you for the globally accepted Kanban System Design® (KMP1®) credential from the Lean Kanban University

Selecting the correct style board for their contemporary working style


This 2-day course teaches the basics of the Kanban Method® and serves as the enterprise lever implementation and in depth alternative path to agility. Upon successful completion of this training, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Lean Kanban University®. Additionally, you will earn a Kanban System Design (KMP1)® credential certificate accompanied by the KMP1 Badge. Project Management Institute (PMI): 14 PDUs (Professional Development Units)

For more details you can also browse - AgileWaters Consulting WebSite


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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