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Kids Yoga + Art

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About the Instructor:

Rachael Kinsey’s passion for art began as a young child and evolved into a career after she graduated Art School. She has pursued careers throughout the country in visual merchandising, event design, interior design, and running her own jewelry company. Rachael has been practicing yoga for over a decade. It wasn’t until her pregnancy that she took a special interest in teaching “Mommy and Me” and Children’s Yoga because of the support she received from the yoga community. After her son was born she went to Asheville Yoga Center to complete her 200-hour teacher training program and is currently studying children’s yoga at Little Guru in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Since she began her journey of motherhood and yoga, she has grown increasingly aware of the disconnected world in which we live. Social media, electronic devices, and constant access to television and screens pull us away from the present moment. Every child has something unique to bring into the world and she aims to foster a healthy space for them to creatively express themselves through their movement and artwork. She believes if children are able to disconnect from technology and their disciplined routine, they can tap into their own magic through art and yoga and help them become more focused, heighten intuition, and enhance creativity as a collective.

She brings all of her yoga knowledge, along with her understanding of art and the meaningful connection between the two. Each child’s class is centered around an intention inspired from yogic principals, nature, artists, and spirituality. They will connect this intention through movement, breathing, yoga and art. Children will then be able to take home their artwork as a reminder of their intention.

Weekly Class Descriptions

March 4th- Connecting with you Spirit Animal + Mask Making

Spirit animals can enter into our lives in many different ways. They can be an animal you have always been drawn to, one that appears to you in dreams, one you are afraid of, and others that you come across often in your daily life. During this class children will be guided to identify their spirit animal and will learn the meaning behind their animal to help guide, teach, protect, motivate and move them in the right direction to fulfill the soul’s purpose. Once their spirit animal is established, they will be guided to connect with their animal through yoga poses, dance, and breathwork. Children will spend the 2nd half of the class creating masks that represent their spirit animal. Ages 7-10. All craft supplies will be included in the class cost. Class is 1.5 hours long.

March 11th – Make your own Mala and Meditation

A mala is a strand of beads, traditionally used for counting during mantra meditations and have been used since at least the 10th century as a meditation aid. Meditating with your mala is a great way to wind down before bed, cope with stress, or just feel better. Children will create their own personal mala to take home using colorful beads and tassels and will learn how to create meditation mantras and positive affirmations to use while meditating with their malas. We will practice different meditation techniques with our prayer beads so that children feel comfortable and confident practicing meditation at home. For ages 7-10. All mala supplies are included in class cost. Class is 1.5 hours long.

March 18th – Dream Big! Dream Manifestation and Dream Catcher Workshop

It is said that no dream is ever too small and no dream is ever too big. Children will be inspired to reach for the stars and follow their dreams! They will have the opportunity to share their dreams with the support from the group and create positive affirmations to carry throughout the yoga class. The second portion of our class will be spent making colorful dream catchers to take home as a reminder that our dreams can come if we set our mind, heart and intention towards it. For ages 7-10. All dream catcher supplies are included in the class cost. Class is 1.5 hours long.

March 25th- Peace Rocks!

Peace is everyone getting along with each other. Peace is giving someone a hug. Peace is keeping mother earth clean. Peace is learning about other countries. Peace begins with me. This class will inspire children to take peaceful thoughts off the yoga mat and into the world! The second portion of the class will be spent making peace rocks to distribute around the community and we will collectively create a peace tree with each child’s contribution for peace written on the tree. For ages 7-10. All craft supplies are included in the class cost. Class is 1.5 hours long.


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