Henry the Sixth: Part One
Performances November 12, 18 & 25
In the aftermath of Henry V’s death, the tension between England and France grows. Joan of Arc (written more as a witch and a seductress than as the noble heroine we know) defeats the English army only to be captured and burned at the stake, the War of the Roses starts and the young and gentle Henry VI meets the She-Wolf of France, Margaret of Anjou.
Henry The Sixth: Part Two
Performances November 13, 19 & 26
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". - (Act IV, Scene II)
Rebels, Pirates and Demons, oh my! As the War of the Roses continues to blossom, Margaret’s power grows, Henry becomes more like a monk and less like a King and York does all he can to rise to power and take the throne. With him he brings his two sons Edward and Richard (the future evil King Richard III of England).
Henry The Sixth: Part Three
Performances November 17, 20 & 27
The battle for the throne continues in almost a masque of Kings: from Henry to York to Edward then back to Henry and back to Edward again. Containing some of the bloodiest and most heart-rending scenes Shakespeare wrote, as well as his first foray into writing comedic scenes, this play is a top-notch preparation for Shakespeare’s next play in the series, Richard III.