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Heart Notes Music and Book Release

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Treat yourself to an immersive experience of Music and Meditation 

Shashank Subramaniyam

Grammy Nominated flute Maestro

Maestro Shashank Subramanyam, a Grammy-nominated exponent of the Flute, began performing for the general public at the age of six in 1984. He was the youngest musician to have been invited by The Music Academy, Chennai to perform the senior most slot of The Music Academy, (often played by Legends of Indian Classical Music), at the age of 12 – a record yet to be broken in the history of South Indian Music.

He is presently considered one of the best Bamboo Flute artists and is hailed so by the Indian and international media alike. The BBC World TV telecast a documentary on Shashank titled “Destination Music,” recently. Shashank has collaborated with hosts of legendary musicians and bands from India and around the world including Guitarist John McLaughlin, Paco De Lucia, Tabla Maestro Zakir Hussain, Ustad Sultan Khan, Pt. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, Pt. Ajoy Chakraborthy, The New Jungle Orchestra, to name a few.

With scintillating, primal tones he truly sings through the most organic and ancient of all instruments. His logic-defying virtuosity is the result of a magical innate talent coupled with the best possible training. Shashank has propelled the Bamboo flute into an enviable position by his playing techniques of which “the multi-flute transposed fingering technique,” and the "dual octave production” have won him world acclaim. Shashank has over 70 CDs and several DVDs to his credit.


Joshua Pollock

JOSHUA POLLOCK is a Heartfulness trainer and practitioner from the United States. An accomplished Western classical violinist, he has performed and taught throughout the world, including multiple collaborations with composer A.R. Rahman. Pollock is a dedicated spiritual aspirant and is enthusiastic about sharing his passion for meditation, frequently lecturing at private seminars, holding practical demonstrations in corporate, educational and governmental settings, and providing ongoing individual support to local seekers. Pollock holds a Bachelor of Musical Arts degree from Indiana University and two master’s degrees from Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. He currently resides in India with his wife and their two children.

 About Us

 Heartfulness Institute

Since 1945, Heartfulness meditation practices have spread to millions of people worldwide. These practices are offered free of charge to people fifteen years of age and above, and Heartfulness Relaxation can be taught to children. Today there are thousands of certified Heartfulness volunteer trainers serving people in over 130 countries. They are supported by Kamlesh D. Patel, who is also known as Daaji. You can learn more about Daaji at

Heartfulness organizations manage various programs and facilities worldwide, including:

  • Scholarships for students from all continents to attend advanced training programs
  • Cutting-edge research on the effects of meditation
  • ‘Conscious Living’ programs on values and life skills for teachers and students in schools
  • Programs in colleges and universities, and in corporate and government organizations
  • Programs for villagers and tribal communities
  • Free medical clinics
  • Ashrams, meditation centers, research facilities and retreat centers


About the Book (The Heartfulness Way)

Building on ageless oral tradition, Kamlesh D. Patel – widely known as Daaji, the fourth guru in the Heartfulness tradition – traces a seeker’s journey as he examines the nature of the spiritual search. Through a series of illuminating conversations between a teacher and a student, Daaji reveals the principles of the Heartfulness practice and philosophy to Joshua Pollock, a Heartfulness practitioner, and trainer.

If you knew there was a practical way to transcend suffering and fly into the sky of hope and contentment, would you be interested?

That is precisely what Heartfulness offers – transforming us from the inside out so that we see the world in a new way, without the filters of our limitations.





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