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'HAS.YA' - (One Hour+ Nonstop) South Asian Comedy ONLINE Event FEATURING 5 Celebrity Comedians -- 'Amamah Sardar, Badar Tareen, Zahra Ali, Prathaviraj Purohit and HOST "SONYA VAI"'

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

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event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}
-  Nilima Mehra of Global Television Networks. DC
-  Urban Asian

::  This show will be presented using the CROWDCAST live video platform. Ticketholders will be sent an e-mail 60 minutes before showtime with instructions (Event Link and Password) on how to log in to watch the show  ::

Login:  8:50 PM (EST)
Show:  9:00 PM (EST) - HAS.YA Begins ;)

* Suggested Age - 18+
* Language 99% English

Any questions? PLEASE Contact 
'' / (202) 656 3374 / (347) 409 2615

Manan Singh KATOHORA Presents'

    One Hour+ Nonstop 
    'South Asian Comedy ONLINE Event'

Saturday, July 25
SHOW Starts Online @ 9 PM EST (6 PM PST)

Featuring * 
    Amamah Sardar, Badar Tareen, Zahra Ali & Prathaviraj Purohit
        With Celebrity Host "SONYA VAI"

* Suggested Age - 18+
* Language 99% English

||  FOR SPONSORSHIPS & B'DAY/Anniversary SHOUTOUTS (202) 656 3374 / (347) 409 2615  ||



Amamah Sardar is a stand up comedian, storyteller, and writer based in New York City. She has been on Sirius XM, the She Makes Me Laugh Festival, and SF Sketchfest. Her writing has appeared in McSweeneys and Little Old Lady Comedy.

Badar Tareen is a civil rights lawyer by day and stand up comedian by night.  He has performed as a selected comedian at the Desi Comedy Festival, Cleveland Comedy Festival, and Jersey City Comedy Festival.  He has hosted and performed at clubs and events in New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco, Oakland, Cleveland, Dublin, and Pakistan --

Prathaviraj Purohit is originally from Mumbai India, where he entered the comedy scene by winning multiple Open Mics. He was featured on NDTV's Rising Stars of Comedy. He regularly performed at The Comedy Store and Canvas Laugh Club.  After moving to the US, Prathaviraj became a regular on the NYC/NJ circuit. He's performed at venues like Caroline's on Broadway, Broadway Comedy Club, Townhall NYC, The Stress Factory & Catch a Rising Star. He graduated in Improv Comedy from Upright Citizens Brigade, New York City, where he was also awarded the diversity scholarship.  He has performed at the prestigious NYC Asian Comedy Festival. He has been featured on Amazon Prime Video. He regularly opens for his Indian comedian friends touring the US, performing to crowds ranging from 400 to 1400 people. He is the co-founder of Funny Tikka Masala - America's first Standup Comedy Open Mic & Show in Hinglish.  He tickles the funny bones of both American & Indian audiences with his humor, which is mostly real & sometimes dark! Find him @MumbaiComic on Facebook, Instagram ,YouTube & Twitter 

Zahra Ali is an internationally touring stand-up comedian, actress, and writer based in Los Angeles. You may have seen her on NBC, Revolt TV, or Amazon Prime. She has been featured as an up-and-coming comedian in The New York Times, The Daily Beast, and Bustle.  Zahra was born in Queens, New York, and raised in New Jersey. She brings her bicoastal flair with New York humor and attitude to the stage. Often flexing as an insult comedian, Zahra performs and is ranked Top 30 in the very popular Roast Battle at The World Famous Comedy Store. Come watch her live and maybe you'll get roasted too! She is also a producer of nationally touring comedy show and podcast featuring South Asian and Middle Eastern women called Facial Recognition Comedy. 


SONYA VAI (HOST) is an NYC-based and now quarantined Comedian. She was recently featured in the New York Comedy Festival's "Facial Recognition" show, hailed by the New York Times as one of the "Top 5" to watch. Before the world came to a hault, Sonya performed nightly at venues such as the New York Comedy Club, Carolines on Broadway, Gotham, and the Stand NY. She's currently performing virtually in the comfort of her tiny apartment wearing sweatpants. She's appeared in comedy festivals across the country including Desi Fest, the All Jane Comedy Festival, the World Series of Comedy, and the Cape Fear Comedy Festival. She's also starred in numerous TV commercials, most notably one promoting a treatment for a Blood Disease. Sonya also enjoys being a frequent guest on United Stations Radio and Compound Media. You can follow her on every platform except Tik Tok @sonyavai ---


Any questions? PLEASE Contact 
'' / (202) 656 3374 / (347) 409 2615

* Suggested Age - 18+
* Language 99% English

Login:  8:50 PM (EST)
Show:  9:00 PM (EST) - HAS.NA Begins ;)

::  This show will be presented using the CROWDCAST live video platform. Ticketholders will be sent an e-mail 60 minutes before showtime with instructions (Event Link and Password) on how to log in to watch the show  ::



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