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Goat Yoga Richardson!

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YOU are cordially invited to GOAT YOGA in Richardson, TX! Come and get your yoga on in North Dallas while our herd of goats graze and jump around (or on) you!


Come and snuggle with the newest and smallest additions to our urban farm.



Come and meet Pete the mini horse! The animals will be outside, and so will we! Please dress accordingly.



Know before you go:

Please visit for additional info!

----Please DO NOT arrive earlier than 15-20 minutes before your scheduled class time. We will set aside time after class for extra socializing and picture taking with the goats if you don't get the shot you want during yoga practice! They live on premise – so don’t worry – they will hang around with you after class is over!

--- Snacks are available as well as bottled water. Yoga Mats are also available, and we have tons of towels.

--- Bug repellant will be available (just in case) and sunscreen.

--- Be prepared for our goats to take an interest in you! They are excited to host you!

--- While some may take themselves (or their yoga practice) very seriously, GOAT YOGA RICHARDSON is for everyone and we welcome any and all participants. Goats have been known to nudge, scratch, nibble, jump and step on attendees. Goats are NOT potty trained animals.

--- Everyone will need to sign-in and sign a waiver before the class starts. During class, please stay on your mat and do not chase the goats - they will make their way over to see you.

--- You can park on the street or at the school in the public parking spaces.




Our herd looks forward to meeting you!


Let us know if you have any questions or if we can provide you with any additional information - we look forward to hosting you!


Amanda and the GYR Goats!

Follow us on Instagram:

Goat Yoga Richardson





*NOTICE OF FILMING By participating in this event, you agree that you may be photographed and filmed, and you grant Goat Yoga Richardson the right to use, publish and copyright your picture, likeness and/or name in videos and/or photos taken during this event for use by GYR, in perpetuity and throughout all media.


By participating in Goat Yoga, you agree to be solely responsible for any and all liability costs, damages and expenses incurred as a result of any injury or occurrence sustained from participating in Goat Yoga Richardson. You further agree to be held solely responsible for any and all liability costs, damages and expenses incurred by your child or attending minor as a result of his/her participation, either directly or indirectly, in Goat Yoga Richardson. You agree not to hold Goat Yoga Richardson, its employees, volunteers, instructors and/or representatives responsible in any way for any injury or occurrence whatsoever.


You are solely responsible for all items brought on premise.


No other animals allowed. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason or to return or refund tickets or spots to any class or session with or without notice.


In instances of rain or precipitation, GYR will honor all tickets and attendees at another class of their choosing with availability. Please email us at least 48 hours in advance of the class that you are wanting to attend to confirm availability if your original class does, in fact, get rained out. Thank you.










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Goat Yoga Richardson

Goat Yoga Richardson

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