Explore Southampton NY as we hunt for ghosts that have been around for centuries and don't be surprised who or what shows up!
Southampton NY, one of the world's greatest summer resorts is abuzz with supernatural activity. And now as seen on network and cable television from coast to coast join New York's own Ghost Doctors (paranormal investigators and licensed tours guides on a "real" ghost hunting adventure through this Historic town. This is not your typical "story telling" ghost tour. This is the real deal! Learn the use of real ghost hunting equipment and protocol. Explore this amazing and beautiful town as we hunt for spirits that have been around for over three centuries and don't be surprised who or what shows up! At the end of this adventure, walk away with the knowledge of what it is to be a real ghost hunter. This ghost hunt is approx. one hour and 45 mins to two hours.
If online ticket sales for a particular
date are over. Please call (347) 502-7352 to check if there are still any available
spots left for this tour.
For all other info including future dates and different
ghost hunts go to our website: https://ghostdoctors.com or call
(347)502-7352. We can also be reached by email at mail@ghostdoctors.com
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