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FREE EVENT - Raj Ramayya: "Spice Age Adventures" New Album Release Party

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Indo-Canadian singer-songwriter Raj Ramayya is releasing his new album "Spice Age Adventures"! To celebrate the occasion, he is hosting an album launch party on Friday August 11th 2023 at the Broadway Collective in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Doors will open at 7pm, entry is FREE w/ RSVP through Eventcombo. There will be T-shirt & CD giveaways, plus a livestream of Raj's special acoustic concert at 9pm.


Following his album Spicy Beats, which charted #2 in the "Digital Albums" Category and #15 behind Miley Cyrus and ahead of Bruce Springsteen in "Top Current Albums" all across Canada according to the SoundScan's weekly reports, Raj Ramayya is up to a new journey with a new concept album, titled Spice Age Adventures, set to be released on August 18th, 2023.

The album Spice Age Adventures follows our hero Ravi, a shy, socially inept medical school student, who drops out of his studies to fulfill his ambitions of becoming a singer-songwriter but ends up driving a taxi in a cold, bleak Canadian city to pay his bills. After getting dumped by his beautiful Indian fiancée—who herself had grandiose dreams of becoming a Bollywood movie star—he slips into a "boom-boom soma" street narcotic-fueled depression. Whilst in one of his "boom-boom somas", Ravi starts having narcotic-fueled dreams of being abducted by a green extraterrestrial girl with a silver mouth. On her planet, spice and music do not exist! Ravi writes her a love song beseeching her "take me to your planet." Is he dreaming, or is this really happening? Is he in love, or is this a fantasy? Will they make curry in outer space?

Raj Ramayya is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer and producer best known for his work for classic anime such as Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in The Shell, Wolfs Rain, Made in Abyss, Tower of God and games such as Resident Evil, Tekken and Shenmue. Collaborating with several distinguished artists such as Yoko Kanno (Gundam), Kevin Penkin, Kato Kazuhiko -Macross, Tatsuya Oe, Fatboy Slim, Duran Duran, Mos Def, Wilbert Roget (Star Wars, Lara Croft Tombraider), Ron Sexsmith (Coldplay), Chris Mosdell, Ryuchi Sakamoto and Stephen Stills (Crosby Stills and Nash), Ramayya has released 26 albums with several Billboard and iTunes charting hits and has been featured on over 1,000 songs for companies as diverse as Sega, Disney, Victor Entertainment and Sony Music International. His vocal contributions to films and TV commercials and arrangement credits include Pokemon, Digimon, Power Rangers Theme, Evangelion, Digimon, Dragon Ball Z,  The World of Golden Eggs and Astroboy on an array of products that range from Nico Nico and Asahi Beer to Toyota. Recent credits include feature films, VR and console games scoring for Asian companies such as Tencent and NetEase. Song placements for NHK, MTV, CBS, NBC, History Channel and Discovery Channel reality shows and movies range from The Walking Dead, Gravity, Quantico to Alice in Wonderland and Glee. Ramayya is actively involved with performing at anime and game related conventions worldwide.


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