In this free, foundational class for the Flow & Flourish Personal Mastery Course, you'll learn 3 MAJOR keys to training yourself to develop and sustain the positive, progressive mindset necessary to achieve happiness, well-being and success :
- how to stop self-sabotage
- how to reframe negative thinking and maintain a positive mindset
- how to kick bad habits and form good habits
It's an upbeat, live workshop facilitated by serial entrepreneur, certified life and career coach and Positive Psychology trainer, @theflowcoach, Amber Lee Forrester. In just 90 minutes you can learn new solutions to old problems that can transform your thinking and change your life.
There are certain things in life that, when we learn them, it’s like a light comes on and illuminates a world of opportunity we didn’t know existed or at least, that we could access. Think of babies. As babies, we’re all totally cool and comfortable being held in the arms of our parents and loved ones. We don’t need to go anywhere. We’re good right there in our swinging chairs. And then one day we realize, hey, we can use these legs we have to move around. We start crawling, then we realize, if we try harder, we can stand up and walk. And once we walk, it’s on! We’re going places! We learn to run, dance, climb mountains and more! We had the capability all along, we just needed to recognize it, practice and keep building our muscles.
That’s what it’s like when we recognize the power of our thoughts and what we believe we’re capable of creating. Our thoughts lead to our beliefs. Our beliefs lead to our actions. Our actions create our circumstances.
What would your life look like if you learned to control your mind and stop letting our mind control you?
Join us and find out!
To learn more about Quartz Wellness Collective and our dedication to supporting the flourishing of women and children of color, visit