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Drama Shorts Block 2

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In these three short films, you will see the struggles of being different, the demand for a just community, and a race to find a killer.


Three young Iranian boys, along with a smuggler, are clandestinely smuggling across the Iran-Turkey border. The smuggler only passes masculines through the border. In the middle of the way, he suddenly realizes that one of the passengers is a hermaphrodite.

Producer: Mohammad Towrivarian

Director: Mohammad Towrivarian

Writer: Mohammad Towrivarian

Director of Photography: Worya Golzarian

Editor: Soran Fahim

Lead Actors: Azita Hosseno, Babak Kazemian, Afshin Malki, Hossen Mehrpyma

Head of Department: Mohammad Towrivarian

1970. A group of activists, the Young Lords, take over a decrepit hospital in the South Bronx, launching a battle for their lives, their community, and healthcare for all.

Takeover explores the twelve historic hours on July 14, 1970, in which fifty members of the Young Lords Party stormed the dilapidated Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx, drove out their administrative staff, barricaded entrances and windows, and made their cries for decent healthcare known to the world. They raised the Puerto Rican flag atop the building, as well as a banner reading “The People’s Hospital” – a nom de guerre still used today. Through archival footage, seamless reenactments, and modern-day interviews, we follow the Young Lords’ resistance against institutions curated by wealth and white supremacy and their fight for the most basic of human rights: the right to accessible, quality healthcare.

Director: Emma Francis-Snyder

Producer: Tony Gerber 

Executive Producers: Lynn Nottage, Luis A. Miranda, Jr. 

Consulting Producer: Miguel Melendez

Consulting Producer: Iris Morales

Editors: Francisco Bello (ACE) and Sebastián Diaz

Written By: Francisco Bello and Emma Francis-Snyder

Lead Actor(s):
Juan Gonzalez
Iris Morales
Felipe Luciano
Denise Oliver-Velez
Miguel “Mickey” Melendez 
Carlos “Carlito” Rovira
Cleo Silvers
Sid Davidoff
Jeff Kamen
Dr. Martin “Marty” Stein

Associate Producers:
Allegra Earle
Laura Colleluori

Original Music: Paul Brill

Associate Editor: David Moragas 

Assistant Editor: Maia Liebeskind 

Archival Producer: Emma Francis-Snyder

Archival Researchers:
Rachel Antell
Jenifer Petrucelli
Rosemary Rotondi
Wyatt Stone

Line Producer: Blake Ashman-Kipervaser

Interview Cinematographers:
Nicole Velez
Tine DiLucia
Karli Kopp
Peter Pavlakis

Nine bodies, one more to go...

Jenson and Calvin race against the clock to try and stop a serial killer from finding his next victim.

Director / Writer / Producer / Editor: Kevin Austra

Director of Photography: Chris Cole

Lead Actors: Kerwin Gonzalez, Sedric Willis, Michael Santiago, Kevin Austra

Please Note: There are no refunds. All sales are final. If you are attending an in-person screening event, you must present your vaccination card.


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