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CSM - Certified Scrum Master ONLINE Training

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CSM - Certified Scrum Master ONLINE VIrtual Certification workshop by Nanda (CST-India)

About this Event

Class Description

The Framework of Scrum and the role of Scrum Master to use the principles and underlying values of Scrum is shaping the Software and IT industry with quality results and efficient performance. The role and responsibilities of CSM Certification or Scrum Master Certification opens a wide range of opportunities in Multiple MNCs who function on the Framework of Scrum to meet their requirements within time.

The CSM Certification, Scrum Master Certification in Multiple MNCs are highly paid for the work ethics and values they deliver to the organisation. So, in this leap of a blog we'll answer your every question related to Scrum Master so that you can have a smart and analysed approach to outsource your skills and responsibilities as a Scrum Master.

For more details refer -> AgileWaters Consulting site

What is CSM?

CSM or Certified Scrum Master is the certification for practising the Principles of Scrum in an organisation. The CSM opens a wide range of opportunities with different responsibilities in an organisation. But the thing which is needed at first is to get certified with it for which candidates need to clear the CSM certification Exam.

The Scrum Master Certification exam tests your thorough and in-depth knowledge of Scrum Framework so it becomes a necessity to get enrolled under a class-course in which the Scrum Coach delivers the exact values and principles of its working within an organisation.

For more details refer -> AgileWaters Consulting site

Frequently Asked Questions :

Q1. Where will class happen?

A: This class is virtually conducted over Zoom link and shall be for participants all over the world.

Q2. How will I get the Class Link?

A: Once you pay and register for class we shall send you an email with all the details like zoom link, Password to join etc.

Q3. Will I get certification? Is it included in this cost?

A. Yes. The cost includes the certification exam (2 attempts)

Q4. Is the time mentioned in details correct?

A. Yes. Class will be delivered from India during 9 AM IST to 5 PM IST. Consider equvalent time for your country. This is global class and hence the time in your country shall be converted from relevant IST time.

Q5. Who is the Trainer?

A. This online class shall be taught by Nanda (CST) from India on behalf of AgileWaters Consulting.

Q6. If I have any more questions - whom do I talk to?

A. Please reach us on, CALL: +91 9421809846 or WhatsApp @+91 9421809846 / +44 7978252723

For more details refer -> AgileWaters Consulting site


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