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CoCA Legacy

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CoCA Legacy celebrates a star-studded past and inspiring future

On Thursday, October 5, 2017, Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) presents “CoCA Legacy” featuring a small selection of influential artists from the hundreds of significant contemporary artists it has had the pleasure of working with in its rich 36-year history in Seattle.

Since its inception in 1981, a robust creativity has shaped CoCA’s legacy, community, and the ongoing notion of what contemporary art is to the region and world. The exhibition seeks to celebrate the diverse range of artists that represent CoCA’s legacy best: those who are fiercely independent and experimental, with an unapologetically rough hewn nature, and often with an equally bold political statement.

While CoCA has served hundreds of artists in 36 years, visitors are invited to relive a small slice of CoCA’s best and brightest in this retrospective exhibition. The exhibition will include work from notable artists such as Laurie Anderson, James Turrell, Paul Rucker, Mary Ann Peters, Gary Hill, Juan Alonso-Rodriguez, Alice Wheeler, Doug Jeck, Judith Kindler, Michael Spafford and Elizabeth Sandvig among others.

In sharing this experience, co-curators, CoCA Executive Director, Nichole DeMent, and CoCA Board of Directors Member, Joseph Roberts, hope not only to celebrate its robust archives and the pedigree of Contemporary Art in Seattle, but also to catalyze CoCA’s future legacy of—as the name suggests and as this exhibition will showcase—Seattle’s epicenter on contemporary art.

Located at CoCA 114 3rd Ave. S Seattle, WA 98104, the show opens on October 5 and runs through November 18, 2017. For more information please visit

CoCA Legacy is made possible with support from 4Culture, Greg Kucera Gallery, Traver Gallery and Elysian Brewing.


Calendar Listing:

CoCA Legacy

Opening reception on Thursday, October 5, 6pm – 9pm, as part of Pioneer Square ArtWalk.

Private VIP Event on Tuesday, October 17 6pm - 8pm

Second reception on Thursday, November 2, 6pm – 8pm, as a part of Pioneer Square ArtWalk.

Exhibition opens October 5 and runs through Saturday, November 18.

Gallery hours are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 11am - 6pm.


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