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Change Fest Los Angeles 2019

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Get. Excited. 

ChangeFest has officially come to LA. 

What is ChangeFest? 

ChangeFest is an international, film, fashion, art, music and fun-filled experience that inspires, builds community, and provides meaningful opportunities to make an impact. Check out our take on it via video here.

ChangeFest LA will feature:

  • 21 world premiere or other inspiring films (including films like “First Day Back”, directed by Deshawn s Plair and featuring a star-studded cast that includes the Emmy award-winning Loretta Divine, and the film “And The Brave Shall Rise” by the award-winning Director Adam Sclachter, and so many more—schedule and film titles below)
  • 20 accomplished directors, producers, actors and activists engaging attendees in conversations regarding the issues in their work and beyond
  • Fashion courtesy of the Teresa Costa Collection
  • Music by DJ Freckles
  • Art by Andre Drekidd Simmons 
  • Drinks courtesy of Skeptic Distillery
  • Delicious food brought to you by small local businesses
  • Curated and event MC'ed by LA Director and Culture Curator Alfred Torregano

Don't miss it!


11 - 12:15      Red Carpet

12:15              Program begins

12:30 - 2               
How to Stop Preventable Epidemics: Mass Shootings, Brutality, Trauma, Poverty & Disease.

1.       Out of Reach                                                                         3

2.       END-TB                                                                                   1

3.       Saving My Children                                                               5

4.       Kid Hero                                                                                  2 

5.       I Was That Kid: Breaking the Cycle of Juvenile Crime     6   

6.       Incompatible Allies                                                               43


Starting at 2:30pm - First Day Back    21

Starting at 3:15pm - Tearing Down Walls: Discrimination, Objectification, Stigmatization, and Bias.

7.       Triggered                            34

8.       Bet the Demon Wins        8

9.       Speak                                  14

10.   Content                               12

11.   The Audition                      8


Starting at 5pm - Preparing for 2020 . . . right now. Pt 1

12.   Healing Trauma: Beyond Gangs And Prisons    24  

13.   Nowhere Bastards                                                 11

14.   Mi Pais, Tu Pais                                                       6

15.   Where Are You, Brother                                       2

16.   Sunshine Policy                                                      18

17.   Priced Out                                                               17

18.   Not a Pet                                                                  5

19.   SustainUp                                                                14


Starting at 7pm - Preparing for 2020 . . . right now. Pt 2

20. Trumphobia                            70 

21.  And the Brave Shall Rise     15 

8:45-9 Closing Ceremony

9pm – 10 Reception


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



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{{eventInfo.AccessPromoCode}}, code applied successfully.

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