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Career Mapping - MeetUp Group at DePaul

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This Meetup partners with the DePaul University Coleman Entrepreneurship Center and the new ASK Career and Entrepreneurship Club utilizing the curriculum by Ginny Clarke, the nationally-recognized expert in talent and career management, diversity recruiting and executive coaching. Participants will be provided resources for navigating the career landscape in Chicago and at DePaul University along with materials from the book Career Mapping: Charting Your Course in the New World of Work (Morgan James Publishing). Continental breakfast will be provided.

Dates and times:
Loop Campus: Weekly Saturdays from September 23 to October 14
9:00 to 10:15 am (4-Part Series)


Shannon Stone-Winding (President and CEO, Shannon Stone Consulting and ASK Mentor, DePaul University)
Seana Jackson (Associate Managing Partner, Shannon Stone Consulting, and Columbia College Alumnus)


Shannon Stone-Winding is the President and CEO of Shannon Stone Consulting, LLC (SSC) and ASK Mentor and Chicagoland Alumni Committee Member for DePaul University. She has over 20 years of experience as a brand and business strategist with a social but professionally efficient approach to team management. With SSC, Shannon is excited to continue collaborations with partners and organizations in the mission of service for diverse communities.

Shannon previously served as the assistant to the dean for special projects at the School for New Learning (SNL) at DePaul University. In her role, Shannon worked as the Project Manager and Coordinator for the Adult Bridge Program with the City Colleges of Chicago and worked as the Project Manager and Coordinator for the Center to Advance Education for Adults. Shannon was appointed to the Editorial Board for the college’s alumni magazine working with the Office of Public Relations and Communications and Advisory Board for DePaul SNL’s Adult Men of Color, worked as the Chair of the college’s Employability Strategic sub-group, officer for the university’s Black Leadership Coalition, and staff advisor for DePaul’s Golden Key International Honor Society, SNL Student Association and Veterans Advocacy Group.

Shannon served on the DePaul Faculty/Staff Campaign Committee and is a member of the DePaul President’s Honor Society of Donors Club. Shannon was honored in 2013 with an Award from the Women of Spirit and Action Committee and certificates and awards in excellence in service in 2010 and 2008 from the college. Shannon is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators and was appointed to the DePaul Public Relations Steering Committee. Shannon obtained her B.A. in marketing communications and pursued coursework towards an M.A. in educating adults from DePaul University.

Seana Jackson is the Associate Managing Partner of Shannon Stone Consulting, LLC (SSC). She has co-facilitated Career Mapping at DePaul University during the 2016-17 academic year and continues this year. Seana has volunteered at DePaul University, assisting staff with School for New Learning, veterans and minority advocacy events as well as many graduation ceremonies. In 2012, she was even given the honor of handing diplomas to graduates, one of which included her own mother!

Seana attended Columbia College Chicago and graduated summer 2013 sporting a B.A. in Fiction Writing with honors. During her senior year, she had the opportunity to work for her college’s Echo Magazine as an editor and columnist. In the same year, she was privileged to travel to Los Angeles, California for a semester externship. There, she learned the ins and outs of adapting intellectual properties into film and television. She was then granted the chance to pitch her film treatment to a 21st Century Fox studio executive in order to gain hands-on experience of selling her ideas to production companies and studios.

She has garnered much networking and research skills from both her schooling and time as a travel agent, where she was able to exercise her desire to help people. Due in part to her having a degree in fiction writing, she’s learned that listening is key if one wants to convey a message correctly, whether it be from a social group, community, or individual, and her hope is that she can take this most important attribute to help individuals and businesses reach their goals.

ABOUT COMPASS GROUPS (This MeetUp takes place prior to the Money Matters Compass Group on Saturdays.):

Adult students: Are you interested in making the most of your DePaul University experience and meeting other students? Would you like to gain valuable academic, personal and professional skills that complement what you’ll be learning in the classroom…for free? What if we were to tell you that we are offering you the chance to do all of this AND get to know other DePaul students just like yourself simply by joining a Compass group?

Compass Groups are not meant to be a class and have no credits. They add skill, provide a community with other adult students, and, if new, assist in your transition to DePaul by giving you a cohort to transition with that is in your similar situation. Direct questions about Compass Groups to You are allowed to sign-up for multiple groups. Also, due to limited space, we will follow-up to verify your selected participation.

Student Registration:


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