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Author Event with Savannah Guthrie/Mostly What God Does Is Love You

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Author Event with Savannah Guthrie/Mostly What God Does Is Love You

Join Anderson’s Bookshop for an author event with TODAY co-anchor and #1 New York Times best-selling author Savannah Guthrie as she introduces her heartwarming new picture book, MOSTLY WHAT GOD DOES IS LOVE YOU. In this beautifully illustrated book, families are invited to celebrate the comforting message of love, togetherness, and kindness. 


The event will be held on Friday, February 21st at 7:00 pm at Pfeiffer Hall on the campus of North Central College. Savannah will be in conversation with author Kate Bowler.


This event is an ideal opportunity for all readers to explore the value of love and connection in a fun and welcoming setting. 


Tickets to this event include a pre-signed copy of MOSTLY WHAT GOD DOES IS LOVE YOU (published by Zonderkidz, value: $19.99).

Event Format

We will begin checking you in approximately 60 minutes before the start timeYou will receive your pre-signed book when you check in. There will be no photo or signing line following the presentation from the author.

All events have open seating.

If you cannot attend, you must pick up your book (if included with ticket) at the nearest store within 30 days of the eventWe can ship that book to you for an additional charge of $9.99; please call the store to arrange that. 

Pre-registration is required for this event because space is limited.

More about Mostly What God Does Is Love You

Mostly what God does is love you.

What if we shared this simple, beautiful, Biblical truth with our children from the youngest of ages--how different would we be? How wonderfully could this shape our perspectives from childhood on, knowing that the God who made all the wonders in creation--who hung the stars in the sky, who tells the wind where to blow--knows your name and loves you oh so very much?

From #1 New York Times bestselling author and TODAY show co-anchor Savannah Guthrie, this beautifully illustrated picture book showcases the wonders of nature, the beauty of God's creation, and most importantly, how very loved you are by God. Mostly What God Does is Love You reminds children (and adults) of God's great love for them, how very cherished they are by the creator of the universe, and how in turn, they can share that same love by being kind and compassionate to others.

With its awe-inspiring and charming illustrations and a poetic, relatableand age-appropriate message, Mostly What God Does is Love You is the perfect way for adults reading Savannah's bestselling book Mostly What God Does to share this all-important reminder with the children they love--thatthe vastness of God's love is all for them and how they can share it with others as freely as God shares his love.

Mostly What God Does Is Love You:

  1. Reminds children that God is always with them, loving them unconditionally.
  2. Is perfect for family reading, bedtime story, school or daycare story time.
  3. Makes the perfect gift for birthdays, Easter, graduation, and other celebrations and gift-giving occasions

This sweet, uplifting book is sure to leave a lasting impression on children and adults alike, reminding them of the most important thing in the world--God's enormous love for us--and how we, too can spread love and kindness, just like God does.

About the Author

Savannah Guthrie is the co-anchor of NBC News’ TODAY.  She also serves as NBC News’ chief legal correspondent and a primary anchor for the network’s election coverage. Guthrie has conducted a wide range of exclusive and headline-making interviews, from presidents and prime ministers to some of the most recognizable figures in the world.


Guthrie’s work has been recognized with the Edward R. Murrow Award, as well as multiple News Emmys. During her tenure as co-anchor, TODAY has won a Peabody, and twice won Emmys for Outstanding Morning Show. In 2022, Guthrie was inducted into the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame, and she received a Gracie Award for On-Air News Talent. 


In 2018, Guthrie was appointed ambassador for the Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s Hidden Heroes campaign alongside actor Tom Hanks. She also serves as an ambassador for Best Buddies International, an organization she has been involved with for more than nine years. Guthrie is a New York Times bestselling author for her books “Mostly What God Does,” “Princesses Wear Pants” and the sequel “Princesses Save the World.” She is the executive producer of the Netflix show, “Princess Power,” based on the book series. Guthrie is married to communications consultant Mike Feldman and the couple has a daughter, Vale, and a son, Charley.

About the Conversation Partner

Kate Bowler, PhD is a four-time New York Times bestselling author, award-winning podcast host, and an Associate Professor of American Religious History at Duke University. She studies the cultural stories we tell ourselves about success, suffering, and whether (or not) we’re capable of change. She is the author of Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel and The Preacher’s Wife: The Precarious Power of Evangelical Women Celebrities.

After being unexpectedly diagnosed with Stage IV cancer at age 35, she penned the New York Times bestselling memoir, Everything Happens for a Reason (and Other Lies I’ve Loved) and No Cure For Being Human (and Other Truths I Need to Hear). She has also co-written with Jessica Richie, spiritual reflections: Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection and The Lives We Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days.

Kate’s most recent book, Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! Daily Meditations for the Ups, Downs, and In-Betweens, is packed with bite-sized reflections and action-oriented steps to help you get through the day, be it good, bad, or totally mediocre. Kate hosts the award-winning Everything Happens podcast where, in warm, insightful, often funny conversations, she talks with people like Malcolm Gladwell and Beth Moore about what they’ve learned in difficult times. She lives in Durham, North Carolina with her family and continues to teach do-gooders at Duke Divinity School.

Please read these Event Policies carefully:

Anderson’s Bookshop reserves the right to change the format of this event at any time in coordination with the author and publisher. Anderson’s Bookshop assumes no responsibility or liability for any personal injury or other loss you may incur as a result of your decision to attend an event, including the transmission of Covid-19 or related illnesses. 

Failure to treat all participants and staff with courtesy and respect may result in your expulsion from the event.  


We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, after purchasing your ticket(s), please contact us at


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