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Author Event with Ross Rayburn/Turning Inward

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Author Event with Ross Rayburn/Turning Inward

Join Anderson’s Bookshop for an in-person event and signing line with author Ross Rayburn, to celebrate the release of Turning Inward, on Tuesday, January 23rd at 6pm in our Naperville store. 

**Please note that the venue for this event has changed and will now be held in our Naperville location.**

Event Format

  • Author Presentation, Audience Q&A

  • Signing & Photo Line

Pre-registration is required for this event because space is limited.

More about Turning Inward:  

“Ross shows us that meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting still. You can turn within to find inspiration and guidance, even when you are dancing.”—Misty Copeland, principal dancer at American Ballet Theatre, New York Times bestselling author

Lead Instructor of Yoga and Meditation for Peloton Ross Rayburn offers a new and accessible take on mindfulness and the art of meditation through the practice of introversion, which is a method of self-exploration for finding authenticity, joy, and calm in our hectic, extroverted world.​ As New York Times bestselling author Robin Arzon says, “Turning Inward provides the tools to befriend yourself. In sharing his mindfulness TIPs, Ross provides a path for even the most novice meditator. Herein lies many entry points back to oneself.”

Building off his popular Peloton meditation and yoga classes and his years of teaching and spiritual study, Ross Rayburn offers a new way to look at meditation. Rather than a purely esoteric practice, meditation is, Ross argues, simply “turning in,” which anyone can learn how to do through the practice of introversion. Billy Porter, award-winning actor, singer, director, composer, and playwright, commented, “Ross Rayburn is one of those rare people who understands how to help us access our inner depths. I’m proud to call him both my teacher and my friend.”

Because we spend most of our time “turned outward” in order to function in society, introversion offers both a respite and a source of insight. The practice of introversion leads to a happier, calmer life and a truer sense of yourself and your path—something many crave in our chaotic and often polarized world. 

With the easy and enjoyable techniques in this book, and a surprisingly simple and straightforward way of thinking and seeing, you can begin introverting with more intention and with more structure and regularity, for even greater benefits. You’ll learn how to handle life’s difficulties with less anxiety and greater perspective, and you’ll have the tools to remember who you really are, especially during those times it’s easiest to forget.
Through these practical exercises, guided visualizations, opportunities for contemplation, breathing techniques, and more, you will discover that everything you need to be is already who you are. It’s inside you. All you have to do is turn inward to find it.

About the Author

Ross Rayburn is Peloton’s Lead Instructor, Yoga and Meditation. During his long career as an in-demand internationally travelling yoga teacher and in his many popular yoga and meditation classes available in person in New York City and on the Peloton app, Ross has worked with countless high-profile people, including professional athletes, actors, politicians, CEOs, newscasters, and journalists. He has taught over 50 therapeutic trainings to hundreds of teachers and students, including physical therapists and medical doctors. Known for his empathetic, inclusive, creative, and lighthearted approach to spirituality, Ross has many devoted students and fans who have had transformative experiences in his classes. Ross lives in New York City with his husband, the choreographer Christopher Wheeldon. 

Please read these Event Policies carefully:

Anderson’s Bookshop reserves the right to change the format of this event to a virtual one at any time if it becomes necessary. Please be advised that Anderson’s Bookshop assumes no responsibility or liability for any personal injury or other loss you may incur as a result of your decision to attend an event, including the transmission of Covid-19 or related illnesses. We expect that for the protection of everyone, all applicable Covid-related protocols will be followed.  

Failure to treat all participants and staff with courtesy and respect may result in your expulsion from the event. 


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