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Astrology Online Class - The 5 Major Asteroids "Reclaim Your Passion and Healer Within!"

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In addition to your Sun, Moon, Ascendant and other planets in your natal chart - the 4 major Goddesses (Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta) and Chiron (the Wounded Healer) are represented in the major asteroids discovered between Mars and Jupiter in the early 1800's.  These major asteroids play a key role in your relationships through out life!  They represent your passions for people and your healing abilities!

The asteroids teach us how one person CAN and DOES make a difference!

Class will focus on relationships of all types (personal and professional) and how these asteroids indicate specific themes, challenges and strengths for you to identify and tap into their array of resources to nurture, heal and evolve!

Each asteroid will be reviewed for their significance by sign and house, and show how they work in your own chart. Whether you are male or female, the 4 major Goddesses and Chiron offer valuable lessons to use in everyday living!

Online class includes colorful slide presentation and a majority of information will be offered in "story format" to make learning easy to absorb and remember!  

The class content is designed for beginners through advanced levels of understanding Astrology!

Meet Ceres, representing influences from your Mother; Juno - depicting ideals for partnerships you seek; Pallas - providing savvy and strength to succeed; and Vesta - where you sacrifice for the good of others!

Learn where you need to heal through Chiron as he turns tragedy to triumph!

This fun and interactive online class include handouts, practice exercises and spot readings. Each student receives their own natal astrology chart with the 4 Goddess asteroids and Chiron placements (a $25 value)!

Online Class includes:

*Colorful slide presentation - and you keep the deck for future reference!

*Handouts with influences of the 4 major Goddesses and Chiron by each Sign and House!

*Your Natal Chart with 4 Major Goddesses and Chiron placements ($25 value)!

*Spot readings for students who register by Sept. 24.

Register by Sept. 24 for Early Bird discount and spot reading during class!

Money refunded if not fully satisfied!


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Patricia Rogers

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