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Explore the dark side and consequences of human nature with these selections by these diverse, imaginative filmmakers.


Five years after the Third World War, a young woman cares for her sick brother, surviving nuclear threats with scant resources.

Ana is a young survivor of the nuclear attacks of the Third World War. On the fifth anniversary of this event, there is another imminent atomic attack with little recovery progress.

Producer: Shakira A. CalderĂłn

Director: Naiomy DĂ­az

Writer: Michelle Mendoza

Director of Photography: Evan A. Moreno

Editor: Aurelio RodrĂ­guez

Lead Actors: Bernadette Santoni, RaĂşl Y. Cruz

Art Director: Michelle Mendoza

Wardrobe: Shakira A. CalderĂłn

Hair and Makeup: Gabriela Cristina Torres

Sound: Paola Piñeiro

Music: Gavriel CintrĂłn





As the world faces a pre-apocalyptic era and a rare disease has killed hundreds of thousands of people, causing public systems to collapse,  three grown siblings wake up one day to find their mother’s body lifeless in the middle of the room.



-       Paula V. Maysonet

-       Christian M. Kelly

-       Norangelys Gonzalez

-       Adrian Borges Estrada

Director: Adrian Borges Estrada

Writer: Adrian Borges Estrada

Director of Photography: Sara Umpierre

Editor: Jan E. Castro

Lead Actors: Pedro Juan Colon, Mariangelie Velez, Luis Sebastian Borges

Sound: Gabriel E. Chabran

Wardrobe: Joha Collado

Production Design: Paloma Gonzalez



Between your mother and your child, who deserves to live? When the government controls the increase of the population, families must choose who lives and who dies.

Producer: Dorcas Figueroa and Joshua MĂ©ndez Nieves

Director: Dorcas Figueroa

Writer: Dorcas Figueroa

Director of Photography: Joshua MĂ©ndez Nieves

Editor: Joshua MĂ©ndez Nieves


Lead Actors:

-       Dorcas Figueroa

-       Karen Andino

-       Michael Rivera

-       Stephanie Sosa

-       Johanna Ferrán

-       José Luis Pérez


Music: Coraliz SeguĂ­

Assistant director: José Luis Pérez



Two roommates are troubled by some criminal activities taking place in the university complex where they live. Hoping everything will be alright, each of them has a different approach to the situation and will experience a different outcome of a very odd night.

Producers: Nanny Pacheco, Luis Enrique Rodriguez

Director: Luis Enrique Rodriguez

Writer: Luis Enrique Rodriguez

Director of Photograhpy: Raphy Molinary Machado SPC

Editor: Braulio Bernardy Cartegena, Luis Enrique Rodriguez

Lead Actors: Anna Malavé Rolón, Julianna Rivera Diaz 

Head of Department: Manuel “Tyson” Cintron (Gaffer) 



Brought together by trauma, three young women take matters into their own hands as they kill with the intent of getting rid of the evil around them. Pay It Forward in Death is an episodic web series of three young women living in NYC taking matters into their own hands, to save society from those they deem unfit. They have suffered under the hands of someone, and they find solace in each other as well as an unknown Radio Host.


Producer: Ronissha Marksman

Director: Maria Palacio

Writer: Maria Palacio

Director of Photography: Francisco LaFontaine 

Editor: Diana Foronda

Lead Actors:

-       Zulivet Diaz

-       Nora Mercedes Li

-       Meghan Locker

-       Gavin Balazar

-       Patricia Lawrence

-       Marta Kotzian


Head of Department:

-       Paula Patino (Production Manager)

-       Khamelia McKoy (1st AD)

-       Jonathan Holoman (Production Coordinator)

-       Laudelina Santiago (Script Supervisor)

-       Amber Alicea (PA)

-       Jennifer Veras (PA) 



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