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Event with Rich Ackerman/The Dunes of Lake Michigan's Eastern Shore

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Event with Rich Ackerman/The Dunes of Lake Michigan's Eastern Shore
Join Anderson’s Bookshop for an in-person event and signing line with author Rich Ackerman, to celebrate the release of The Dunes of Lake Michigan's Eastern Shore, on Saturday, July 15th at 2pm CT in our Naperville Store. He will give a presentation, followed by an audience Q&A. After, he will have a signing line, where he will personalize and take photos with attendees, if they wish!

This event will be held in our Naperville store location (123 West Jefferson Ave), and pre-registration is required as space is limited.

More about The Dunes of Lake Michigan's Eastern Shore: Our Spiritual Connection to its Ecosystem and Environment
I’ve been fortunate to live within just a few miles of the largest inland sea - the Great Lakes - more specifically, the region of Lake Michigan’s Eastern Shore.
In the photograph to the left, through my 210mm lens, the city of Chicago’s incredible skyline shows the proximity of our country’s 3rd largest city to the Indiana Dunes
National Park.

The most complete yet complex, living, dune ecosystem in the world, it offers immense beauty, diversity of flora and trees and the presence of its four
distinct seasons. It’s rare to find this type of environment anywhere else in the world, much less the “fly over midsection” of North America.

I have spent the better part of my life experiencing and photographing the miles of beach & towering perch dunes, marshes and fens, forests, plants and wildlife, and wanted to create a published book portraying the realism, beauty and spiritual joy of these places . The Dunes are a living, breathing unique ecosystem; consistently cycling through the years with water rising and falling - its shorelines ever changing. Offshore winds push dune sand that can cover entire forests, while plant and animal species faithfully regenerate themselves as they’ve done ever since the glaciers receded thousands of years ago.

Many people will never get to see and make the spiritual connection with the Eastern Shore Dunes and experience this place during each beautiful climate season. With my book of lovingly curated and printed photographs, I want to show the dunes through my camera lens with the same heightened excitement and emotion as when I originally photographed the scenes in this book. For those who do live here, it is my hope to provide a keepsake - evoking lasting memories of times past, present and future. This book is not just for them, but for their children and their children’s children.

About the Author
Rich Ackerman is a renowned pictorial realist photographer who specializes in environmental landscapes and macro images. Predominantly, he creates his photographs in black and white. While he considers the “sparkly bits of color” a distraction to the light, shadow and contrasts in his photographs, color occasionally plays a more important role in his close-up and macro images. Starting out in his late teens, his photographs have covered events, people and places such as the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, aging and now, dying rock musicians, National Parks and Wilderness regions.
From the early 70’s through the 90’s, Rich perfected his shooting, lab and digital graphics skills including, co-developing a unique modular, remote-controlled, digital electronic flash lighting system for studio and eco-art photographers. From the 2000’s on, Rich returned to what he enjoyed most, the realism of creating eco-art photographs that portray the beauty and spiritual nature of protected and wilderness regions, which are rapidly disappearing due to rising temperatures and wanton human disregard of our planet’s environment.
In 2019, Rich self-published and released his first eco-art coffee table book – “S.E. Alaska’s Inside Passage | The Vanishing Wilderness.” His haunting landscape photographs of the over 5,000 sq. miles of glaciers, fisheries, islands and coves of the Tongass National Forest, portray one of the last remaining, rapidly disappearing, temperate rainforest regions on the planet. The “Dunes of Lake Michigan’s Eastern Shore” is his second book. Rich speaks sparingly about his work. As he says, “the photograph is superior to the photographer, the photograph often sees more clearly.” Those that know and display his photographs on their walls feel emotionally connected with his images. Ackerman pursues realism and values accuracy in his photographs yet invites the viewer to impart their own spirituality when interpreting his work.
Today at 73, Ackerman travels with his wife Rose to Colorado, Alaska, and the Great Lakes to photograph wilderness landscapes, fly fish and spend time with his children and grandchildren. He continues to manage Image with Vision, Inc. ( where his collection of photographs can be seen and purchased. In addition, this summer he will be offering pre- and post-production publishing services as well as fee-based guidance to produce large format eco-art photographic books. He is a member of and contributes his time to, The Nature Conservancy, Trout Unlimited and The Art Institute of Chicago.

An important note about your tickets:

To expedite the check-in process, please have your ticket(s) with the QR code(s) pulled up on your phone or printed out when you come to the event. Please check your confirmation, open the PDF with the ticket/QR code and reprint if needed from the EventCombo website or app.

Please read these Event Policies carefully:

Anderson’s Bookshop reserves the right to change the format of this event to a virtual one at any time if it becomes necessary. Please be advised that Anderson’s Bookshop assumes no responsibility or liability for any personal injury or other loss you may incur as a result of your decision to attend an event, including the transmission of Covid-19 or related illnesses. We expect that for the protection of everyone, all applicable Covid-related protocols will be followed.  Failure to treat all participants with courtesy and respect may result in your expulsion from the event. 


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