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David Roth

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St Tim's Coffeehouse and WFMT present

spirit, and
speaking meet

David Roth strikes many chords, hearts, and minds with his unique songs, offbeat observations, moving stories, sense of the hilarious, and powerful singing and subject matter. As singer, songwriter, recording artist, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and instructor, David has earned top honors at premier songwriter competitions – Kerrville (TX) and Falcon Ridge (NY) – and taken his music, experience, and expertise to a wide variety of venues in this and other countries full-time for three decades.

David has also taught singing, songwriting, and performance at the Augusta Heritage workshops, SummerSongs (NY – where he currently serves as Executive Director), Common Ground on the Hill (MD), the Woods Dance & Music Camp (Canada), WUMB’s Summer Acoustic Music Week (NH), Moab Folk Camp (UT), Rowe Center (MA), Pendle Hill (PA), Lamb’s Retreat (MI), the Swannanoa Gathering (NC), the National Wellness Institute (WI), and for many other songwriting groups and associations around the country.  David is also founder/director of the Cape Cod Songwriters Retreat and creator/host of Cape Cod’s “Full Moon Open Mic” which, for the past 16 years has provided a forum for musicians to connect and be heard while at the same time collecting donations ( approaching $16,000 to date) for local non-profits to help neighbors in need.

What people say about David...

“David and his music will touch you to the very depths of your soul. He’ll make you laugh and cry, inspire you to rise and fly…”
Jack Canfield, co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul books

“David has reached our hearts. With voices like his still singing, there’s a certainty that the candle will remain lit, the hope reasserted and the dream still sung…”
Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul, & Mary)

“David is one of the finest singers and songwriters around…”
Tom Chapin

“I really dropped my teeth when I heard a song on the radio that I thought was written by Tom Paxton. When I went around looking for the author is when I heard this dynamic, exciting singer-songwriter come forth…his name is David Roth”
Dave Sear (on NPR’s Folk Almanac)

“David’s songs open my mind, lift my spirits, tickle my funny bone, and my whole family sings them out loud at odd moments. Here’s a man with a devoted following, yet to be discovered by the world at large. It’s only a matter of time.”
Dan Millman, author, Way of the Peaceful Warrior

“David’s pure, smooth voice, unsurpassed instrumental ability, incredible humor, and heart-piercing, intelligent lyrics brought folk music, New Age, comedy club, coffee house, and a bit of heaven all together in one unforgettable evening…”
James van Pelt, New Haven Folk Alliance

Be part of the live radio audience.

If you are out of town, join the livestream concert!

or listen to the live broadcast at 8 PM - WFMT 98.7 FM


Since February 2016, St Tim's Coffeehouse has presented

a six-concert series of Americana & Folk music

in the sanctuary of St. Timothy's Lutheran Church in Skokie, IL. 

Our season runs from September to April. It is  entirely staffed by volunteers. 

We are partnered with WFMT-98.7 FM

for the Folkstage Program (8 PM) on select concerts*.

2024 - 2025 St Tim's Coffeehouse Season

September 14, 2024 Gina Forsyth

*October 12, 2024 Jim & Susie Malcolm

November 9, 2024 Sons of the Never Wrong

*February 8, 2025 David Roth

*March 8, 2025 Aaron Nathans & Michael G. Ronstadt

*April 12, 2025 Kray Van Kirk, Ph.D.  

* designates a Folkstage live broadcast of WFMT-98.7 FM


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St Tim's Coffeehouse

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