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Community Unity Walk 2017

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event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Moms Building Bridges, a local grassroots, organization of women from different cultural, racial and religious identities is pleased to present Naperville's 2nd annual Community Unity Walk on Sunday, December 10th from 3-5pm in downtown Naperville. The purpose of the event is to give residents of the Naperville area brave, non-partisan, pluralistic space to affirm their commitment to community unity and acceptance with other like-minded individuals. We will meet at Fredenhagen Park and walk together through downtown and end at Naperville Central High School's cafeteria with a community-building program of speakers, music, activities and refreshments. The event is free, family-friendly and open to all. We hope to see you there!

MBB believes in bringing diverse people together in relationship, education, and service. We are thrilled with the mayoral proclamation (10/3/17) of Naperville as a Community of Unity and Acceptance. There is now a mayoral proclamation that 12/10/17 is COMMUNITY UNITY DAY, in response to our petition. The CUW is a public demonstration of our willingness to engage with each other and re-commit to valuing all voices in 2018.  

We have our differences, but we belong to each other.



Feel free to bring signs with positive messages about diversity, inclusion, pluralism and the like.

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @WalkCommUNITY and Instagram communityunitywalk

**Free goody bag with your pre-registration!

**If you would like to contribute to defray costs associated with this and future events, donations are gratefully accepted. Please note that donations through this site are not tax-deductible.


Fredenhagen Park is located on S. Washington St. on the north side of the DuPage River, just behind Rosebud Restaurant.

Convenient free public parking is available at several city garages: Municipal Center, Water Street, Central on Chicago Ave. There is also parking at Naperville Central High School although there may be a charge by student groups fundraising with the Christkindlmarket at Naper Settlement next door.


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Moms Building Bridges

Moms Building Bridges

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