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Author Event with Katherine Marsh/The Lost Year

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Author Event with Katherine Marsh/The Lost Year

Join Anderson’s Bookshop for an author event and signing line with critically acclaimed author Katherine Marsh to celebrate the release of her new middle grade historical fiction novel, THE LOST YEAR: A SURVIVAL STORY OF THE UKRANIAN FAMINE on Wednesday, January 25th, at 7pm in our Downers Grove store. Katherine will be in conversation with local author Kate Hannigan. After their talk, Katherine will take audience questions, and have a signing line. 

This event is presented in cooperation with the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America - Illinois Branch, the Holodomor Descendants Network, and the Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated for the purchase of generators to provide heat and light in Ukraine.  You may donate directly by clicking here.

This event will be held in our Downers Grove store location (5112 Main Street), and pre-registration is required as space is limited.  For this event, there are free tickets (each admits one person) and book tickets (each admits one adult and one child.)


More about THE LOST YEAR:

From the author of Nowhere Boy - called “a resistance novel for our times” by The New York Times - comes a brilliant middle-grade survival story that traces a harrowing family secret back to the Holodomor, a terrible famine that devastated Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s.

Thirteen-year-old Matthew is miserable. His journalist dad is stuck overseas indefinitely, and his mom has moved in his one-hundred-year-old great-grandmother to ride out the pandemic, adding to his stress and isolation.

But when Matthew finds a tattered black-and-white photo in his great-grandmother’s belongings, he discovers a clue to a hidden chapter of her past, one that will lead to a life-shattering family secret. Set in alternating timelines that connect the present-day to the 1930s and the US to the USSR, Katherine Marsh’s latest novel sheds fresh light on the Holodomor – the horrific famine that killed millions of Ukrainians, and which the Soviet government covered up for decades.

An incredibly timely, page-turning story of family, survival, and sacrifice, inspired by Marsh’s own family history, The Lost Year is perfect for fans of Ruta Sepetys' Between Shades of Gray and Alan Gratz's Refugee.

About the Author

Katherine Marsh is the Edgar Award-winning author of The Night TouristThe Twilight Prisoner; Jepp, Who Defied the Stars; and The Doors by the Staircase. Katherine grew up in New York and now lives in Brussels, Belgium, with her husband and two children.

Kate Hannigan is a noted author with a special passion for stories that empower girls and women. Her picture book biography, A Lady Has the Floor, received four starred reviews and was named a Junior Library Guild Selection. In addition to the 2016 Golden Kite Award for Middle Grade Fiction, The Detective’s Assistant also received two starred reviews and was a Booklist Editor’s Choice, among many other accolades. Hannigan presented at NCTE on “Our Mighty Girls,” about girl power in middle grade fiction, and was a judge for 2018’s Golden Kite Awards. Between her active presence on social media (@KateChicago), her work as founder of the Hyde Park/South Side Chicago chapter of SCBWI, and as a busy conference speaker, Kate is an involved, vocal, and respected member of the kid-lit community. Visit her online at


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To expedite the check-in process, please have your ticket(s) with the QR code(s) pulled up on your phone or printed out when you come to the event. Please check your confirmation, open the PDF with the ticket/QR code and reprint if needed from the EventCombo website or app.

Please read these COVID protection guidelines carefully:

Anderson’s Bookshop reserves the right to change the format of this event to a virtual one at any time if it becomes necessary. Please be advised that Anderson’s Bookshop assumes no responsibility or liability for any personal injury or other loss you may incur as a result of your decision to attend an event, including the transmission of Covid-19 or related illnesses. We expect that for the protection of everyone, all applicable Covid-related protocols will be followed.  Failure to treat all participants with courtesy and respect may result in your expulsion from the event. 


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