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Anderson's 17th Annual YA Literature Conference

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}

Our annual Young Adult Literature Conference is BACK in an all new flexible virtual format!

Anderson's Bookshops 17th annual Young Adult Literature Conference will be virtual so you can enjoy the same quality programming we have offered in the past from the comfort of your couch!  In previous years we have had both an educator's conference and a special day just for fans, but this year we are combining them into one magical day for celebrating everything YA!  
(please note: reading level and conference content 12+)

Come and go as you please throughout the day and attend what interests you! A full recording of the event will be made available to all registrants so that you may re-watch your favorite parts or catch up on anything you had to miss.

We have an AMAZING line up of authors this year! Each participating author will deliver a keynote speech AND join us for panel discussions: 

*NEW* Angeline Boulley (Firekeeper's Daughter)
Soman Chainani (Beasts and Beauty)
Brandy Colbert (Black Birds in the Sky)
 Andrew Donkin (Between Shades of Gray)
 Huda Fahmy (Huda F Are You?)
Ellen Hopkins (What About Will)
 Tiffany D. Jackson (White Smoke)
 Kimberly Latrice Jones (Why We Fly)
 David Levithan (Take Me With You When You Go)
Elizabeth Lim (Six Crimson Cranes)
 Jennifer Niven (Take Me With You When You Go)
Gilly Segal (Why We Fly)
 Ruta Sepetys (Between Shades of Gray)

In addition to keynote speeches and panel discussions, attendees will enjoy:

  • YA book talk from Anderson's beloved Children's expert Kathleen March, highlighting our favorites from the upcoming season!
  • 20% off coupon to our virtual event store, including SIGNED books from all our participating authors, that can be used again and again starting NOW through 10/31!
  • 5.5 professional development hours are available. 
  • Access to a full recording of the event 

(Tickets are non-refundable) 

A peek at our tentative schedule for the day:

Pop in and out as you please. Attend what interests you!

9:00-9:10          Welcome

9:10-9:50          Keynote Speakers 1&2

9:50-:10:20      Panel discussion

10:20-11:00     Keynote Speakers 3&4

11:00-11:30     Panel discussion

11:30-11:50        Keynote 5

11:50-12:20     LUNCH BREAK w/ booktalk. (First 10 mins are get up, stretch, grab food. Booktalk starts at noon)

12:20-1:00     Keynote Speakers 6&7

1:00-1:30          Panel Discussion

1:30-2:30       Keynote Speakers 8,9,&10

(Schedule is subject to change)

(Register here and the event link will be sent out the morning of the event, along with a link to our exclusive event store and the coupon code to receive your 20% discount.)


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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Anderson's Bookshop

Anderson's Bookshop

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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



{{sp.FirstName+' '}}{{sp.LastName}}
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{{eventInfo.AccessPromoCode}}, code applied successfully.

{{ticket.SourcePriceText}} {{ticket.TypeName}} (+{{ticket.FeeText}} FEE)
{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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{{item}} event_seat Pick Seats
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{{ticket.SoldQuantity}} Registered {{ticket.RemainingQuantity}} Remaining
{{cartDealMap.dealoff}} {{cartDealMap.dealdetails}}
{{cartDealMap.dealdesbold}} {{cartDealMap.dealdessmall}}
thumb_up {{cartDealMap.dealthumbsup}}
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


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Buy together and save money! We have exclusive deals to make your event experience more convenient, cheaper and fun.

format_list_bulleted{{Dealbox.Text}} deals list


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