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2020 Chicago 10yr Anniversary New Years Eve (NYE) Yacht Party

{{selectedVenueName}} Select a different venue? {{venue.VenueName}}

location_on {{selectedVenue.Address}}
schedule {{eventInfo.EventDateTimeInfoString}} Select a different date? {{date.Description}}
event favorite {{eventInfo.FavoriteCount}} thumb_up {{eventInfo.VoteCount}}
2020 Chicago 10yr Anniversary New Years Eve (NYE) Yacht Party

“Cheers To New Years 2020 With Friends That Bring You Cheer”

Calling all lovers, friends, besties, sisters & brothers ...

Take your tribe into the New Year at the 2020 NYE (New Year’s Eve) Yacht Party taking place Tuesday, December 31, 2019 on the Anita Dee II presented by Social Scene.

Video of last year's great NYE bash HERE!

From dance parties, top floor DJ, live piano bar & the must-have midnight champagne cheers… the New Year’s Eve Yacht Party is the perfect place to wrap up 2019 and celebrate the kick-off of 2020 with those you care for the most.

Now the real question is… how to choose which FLOOR, MIDNIGHT KISS or a MIDNIGHT FIREWORKS SHOW to ring 2020 to?

Your New Year, your 2020 adventure with many options aboard this 3 story yacht to enjoy all with food buffet, open bar, photobooth, DJ, piano bar, 3 bars; and even more to love all with the Chicago skyline, midnight fireworks & champagne toast!

General Admission Boards @ 10PM

Ticket Options

Join us early or bring a group to save, PRICES WILL INCREASE:

Early General Ticket (Limited & Prices To Increase) (Boarding 10PM)

  • All The Perks, Save Early
  • We Are On A 3 Story Yacht For New Years!
  • Premium 4 Hour Open Bar (See Below)
  • Food Buffet (Email Us Any Diet Restrictions)
  • DJ, Piano Bar, Photobooth
  • Midnight Fireworks, Champagne Toast, Chicago Skyline
  • Fun NYE Party Favors
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • No Reserved Seating
  • Join #BeSocialMovement (See Below) For Cash & Discounts


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

{{speaker.Prefix}} {{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}
{{speaker.FirstName}} {{speaker.LastName}}


{{ key == 'null' ? '' : key}}

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Social Scene

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{{item.StartDate | date:'hh:mm a' }} - {{item.EndDate | date:'hh:mm a'}} {{item.TimeZoneName}}{{item.RoomName}}



{{sp.FirstName+' '}}{{sp.LastName}}
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{{eventInfo.TicketsTitle}} ({{eventInfo.RemainingTickets}} remain) Got Code?

Tickets are available for {{selectedVenue.VenueName}} for {{selectedDate.Description}}.
{{venue.VenueName}} {{date.Description}}

{{eventInfo.AccessPromoCode}}, code applied successfully.

{{ticket.SourcePriceText}} {{ticket.TypeName}} (+{{ticket.FeeText}} FEE)
{{ticket.VenueName}} {{ticket.StartDateFormatted}} {{ticket.DateInfoString1}}


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{{item}} event_seat Pick Seats
Sold OUT
{{ticket.SoldQuantity}} Registered {{ticket.RemainingQuantity}} Remaining
{{cartDealMap.dealoff}} {{cartDealMap.dealdetails}}
{{cartDealMap.dealdesbold}} {{cartDealMap.dealdessmall}}
thumb_up {{cartDealMap.dealthumbsup}}
Total: {{eventInfo.TotalPriceText}}


Bundle Your Order And Save ?

Buy together and save money! We have exclusive deals to make your event experience more convenient, cheaper and fun.

format_list_bulleted{{Dealbox.Text}} deals list


Teams are subsets of attendees who collaborate in the event with each other. Each team has its own members. When an event attendee purchases a ticket, they are not automatically added to a team; each attendee must join a specific team within an event.


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