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4 Steps to Take AFTER You've Attended a Networking Event

4 Steps to Take AFTER You've Attended a Networking Event

May 19, 2016 Michelle A. Lee

You’re finally home after a successful networking event. You met kinds of people who can help you move forward in your career and you have a handful of business cards, now what?

1. Review Everything You Collected
​This could be all the sessions you attended, any pamphlets you’ve collected, and notes that you took. Go through your notes and highlight keys words and ideas, read any handouts you received. Many times, there are opportunities on handouts that go unseen because people don’t read them.

2. Go Through Business Cards and Pick Who You Want to Follow Up With
When meeting so many people at once it can get overwhelming, especially with the amount of business cards you receive. Hopefully you talked to meaningful people so it won’t be too hard to pick and choose whom to contact. As nice as it would be to contact everyone that you meet, it’s better to be practical and contact the people who can better assist you in your goals or who left an impact on you.

3. Send an Email
Once you’ve figured out whom you want to contact, send those people an email. The message can be short and simple. Remind them of who you are, continue the conversation you had with the person. Or, invite them for coffee to continue building a working relationship that can help both of your business plans. Sending out the initial email will show that you are interested in what they have to offer. Be consistent and don’t make any promises you can’t keep.

4. Connect on Social Media
LinkedIn is usually the most professional way to connect with the people you meet at networking events. It’s also a good way of follow-up if you see them get a new job position or if they have a work anniversary. You can congratulate them and keep in touch that way. After forging a relationship, you can move on to Twitter, and maybe Facebook if it’s appropriate. Keep up with things that they post, comment where you feel necessary, and make sure your presence is seen.

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