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The Monster Truck Nationals Arrive In Chicago

The Monster Truck Nationals Arrive In Chicago

Jan 20, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’ve been dying to see some monster trucks in action, now you have the opportunity to do so. On January 26th and January 27th at Hoffman Estate’s Sears Center Arena near Chicago, the Monster Truck Nationals arrive. Now, you can come enjoy the enthralling entertainment of ten-foot tall, ten-thousand pound trucks competing against each other in a high-flying show full of fascinating good times.

A Roaring Good Time

This year’s Monster Truck Nationals promises to be entertaining, and you’ll get to see plenty of high-performing tricks, obstacle course performances, and races as you watch the event. You’ll feel exhilarated and astonished by the amazing feats these trucks can perform, and the show is sure to provide plenty of fun and entertainment for the entire family.

Also, a free Pit Party will take place before the event, and you can obtain passes at participating Metro PCS stores. At the Pit Party, you can meet the drivers, take pictures, get autographs, and see your favorite monster truck up close.

Tickets And Schedule

Tickets for the Monster Truck Nationals vary depending on where you decide to sit. Individual ticket prices cost between $25-$50 per person.

  • Reserved Lower Level Side Lines: $35
  • Reserved Lower Level End Zone: $20
  • Upper Level General Admission: $20

There is also an option to purchase a family four pack, which also costs $25-$50 per person, but includes some extra in the package. Those extras are:

  • Four hot dogs
  • Four chips
  • Four bottles of water.

The schedule for the event is as follows:

  • Friday, January 26th. Pit Party: 5:30-7:00 PM. Show starts at 7:30 PM.
  • Saturday, January 27th. Pit Party: 5:30-7:00 PM. Show starts at 7:30 PM.

For more information on the event, or to purchase tickets, please visit the event’s website here. If you want to attend the Pit Party, you can pick up free passes to attend at Metro PCS locations.

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