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The Harlem Gospel Choir Presents The MLK Gospel Show in NYC

The Harlem Gospel Choir Presents The MLK Gospel Show in NYC

Jan 02, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

To celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, enriching yourself with some intriguing gospel music seems like a great way to both entertain and educate yourself. At B.B. King’s Blues Grill and Bar on January 15th, you can witness the world famous Harlem Gospel Choir performing for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and witness a celebration of Martin Luther King’s legacy and life presented by some of the best gospel singers in the country.

The Harlem Gospel Choir

The Harlem Gospel Choir is one of the most famous gospel choirs in the United States, and it is also well-known worldwide. This choir travels, spreads its faith through music, and also raises funds for children’s charities. The choir first started in 1986, and was discovered to Allen Bailey, who, while attending a celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, came up with the idea to form a choir that also shares King’s message. The choir has recruited some of the best gospel singers from the local area.

The choir has also done performances with many celebrities like Diana Ross, Bono, The Gorillaz, Damon Albarn, Pharrell Williams, and Andre Rieu. They haver performed for presidents, popes, and done recordings with Sir Keith Richards, Trace Adkins, and The Chieftains.

By attending this event, you’ll get to witness the Harlem Gospel Choir’s inspiring songs about Civil Rights, slavery, and the impact of Martin Luther King. You’ll be astounded and mesmerized by their amazing voices, all while you get to celebrate Martin Luther King.

Times And Tickets

To learn more about the MLK Gospel Show, please visit BB King’s Blues Grill and Bar’s website, found here. Ticket prices and times are shown below.

  • Januray 15th Showtime: 12:30. Doors Open: 11:00AM.
  • General Admission Seated Tickets: $25 if purchased in advance. $30 at the door. Seats are first come, first serve for general admission.
  • VIP Reserved Booths. $50 per ticket plus booth cost. A booth for four people costs $200. A booth for six people costs $300.

A full menu is available and both food and beverages are available at an additional cost. Children are welcome to attend the event.

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